After the Declaration of IBPS PO Results on 12th December 2012,the fate of almost 10 lakh students was decided.But do you think that one exam alone can decide your fate and suppose that if you are not selected in this exam why lose hope and say bye bye to banking career.Although we don't have exact figures about How many students have passed the IBPS PO Exam 2011,but only bunch of students have been declared qualified in the exam.So don't Lose hope and attempt the Upcoming IBPS PO Exam in 2012 with double effort
If you are new to this page and appeared in the IBPS PO Exam 2011 then you must read our previous post on My IBPS CWE PO Result 2011 is out-Now What to do next ? ,but if you have not appeared in the IBPS PO Exam 2011 and looking for Upcoming IBPS PO Recruitment 2012,then you will find some thing interesting below.
IBPS PO Recruitment 2012: We have been asked this question many times When IBPS is going to conduct the Next Common Written Exam for Probationary Officers?.The answer to this question can be answered by IBPS alone,although we have got some probable information related to the upcoming IBPS PO Exam in 2012.The probable information is that IBPS PO Recruitment 2012 notification is expected in the first week of February.Although there is no official word yet on the announcement of IBPS PO Recruitment 2012,but it is expected to be published in the February 2012.
Students who would like to appear for the Upcoming IBPS PO Exam in 2012 must check this page regularly for any updated information related to IBPS PO Recruitment 2012.The IBPS Notification 2012 will be published in the Employment News paper and can be downloaded from the IBPS Official Website.Whenever IBPS will publish the Notification we will always update this page and provide you the complete information (including pdf) containing the actual advertisement.
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