Reasoning Ability
1. '2' is subtracted from each even digit and '1' is added to each odd digit in the number 7652348. Which of the following will be the difference of the second digit from the right and the third digit from the left of the new number thus formed?
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 4
(D) 6
(E) 3
Ans: (C)
2. In a certain code 'RAISE' is coded as 'FTJBS' and 'LEASE' is coded as 'F'TBFM'. How will 'FLOWN' be coded in the same code?
Ans: (A)
3. Rajesh correctly remembers that his friend Sanjay started working after April but before September. Vinod correctly remembers that Sanjay did not have a job before May. Madan correctly remembers that the month Sanjay started working had 31 days. In which month of the year did Sanjay definitely start working?
(A) July
(B) Either August or July
(C) August
(D) Either August or June
(E) June
Ans: (B)
Directions-(Q.4-6) In each question below are three statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to take the three given statements to be true even if they seen to be at variance from commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the three statements disregarding commonly known facts. Give answer-
(A) If only conclusion I follows.
(B) If only conclusion II follows.
(C) If either conclusion I or conclusion II follows.
(D) If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows.
(E) If both conclusions I and II follow.
4. Statements:
Some black are blue.
Some blue are white.
Some white are black.
Conclusions :
I. Some black are both blue and white.
II. Some white are both black and blue.
Ans: (E)
5. Statements:
Some actors are dancers.
Some dancers are musicians.
No musicians are painters.
Conclusions :
I. Some painters are actors.
II. No painter is a dancer.
Ans: (D)
6. Statements:
All children are students.
All students are adults.
All adults are workers.
Conclusions :
I. Atleast some workers are students.
II. All children are adults.
Ans: (E)
Directions-(Q.7-9) Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below-
A, B, C, D, P, Q, Rand S are sitting around a circle not tacinq the centre. (They face opposite of the centre). P is third to the left of A and R is second to the right of A. Q is not an immediate neighbour of either P or R. C sits third to the right of B and S sits exactly between C and R.
7. Who sits between P and S ?
(A) D
(B) R
(C) C
(D) A
(E) Q
Ans: (C)
8. How many persons sit between A and P when counted in anti- clockwise direction from A ?
(A) One
(B) Two
(C) Three
(D) Four
(E) Five
Ans: (B)
9. What is S's position with respect to D ?
(A) Secondtotheleft
(B) Third to the right
(C) Third to the left
(D) Immediate right
(E) Fourth to the right
Ans: (C)
English Language
Directions-(Q.10-12) Rearrange the following six sentences (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) and (6) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them .
1 . He walked up to his teacher and asked "Why does one die, Master ?"
2. "The time has come for your vase to die".
3. "Its natural," said the teacher. "Everything has a beginning and an end."
4. A young student happened to break a precious vase belonging to his teacher.
5. When he heard his teacher's footsteps, he quickly hid the broken vase behind him.
6. The student then, held out the pieces of the broken vase saying.
10. Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after the rearrangement ?
(A) 3
(B) 4
(C) 6
(D) 1
(E) 5
Ans: (B)
11. Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after the rearrangement ?
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 5
(D) 1
(E) 6
Ans: (C)
12. Which of the following should be the FOURTH sentence after the rearrangement ?
(A) 1
(B) 5
(C) 2
(D) 6
(E) 3
Ans: (E)
Directions-(Q.13-16) Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The letter of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (E) i.e. 'No error'. (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any)
13. My name is Rahul / and I am coming / from a beautiful state /in India. No error
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
Ans: (B)
14. If you want to / keep good health / you must eats / a lot of vegetables. No error
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
Ans: (C)
15. In recent months, / a large number of equipments / has been steal/from construction sites. No error
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
Ans: (C)
16. The Indian Government's / primary goal/is to reduction / of poverty. No error
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
Ans: (C)
Directions-(Q.17-21) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words are printed in bold to help you to locate them while answering some of the questions.
Vishnu Raman was an Indian magistrate who lived about a hundred years ago. He was famed for the fairness of his judgements. One day while the magistrate was walking through the market he saw a crowd outside a poultry shop. On enquiring what the matter was he learnt that a worker had accidentally dropped a heavy sack on a chicken, crushing it to death. The chicken was small, worth only about five rupees, but the owner of the shop had caught the worker by his throat and was demanding a hundred rupees. His argument was that the chicken would have grown into a plump bird in another two years and then it would have fetched him the amount he was asking for. Somebody in the crowd recognized the magistrate, and everybody made way for him.
"Judge our case, your honour !" said the owner of the chicken, letting go of the worker and bowing respectfully to the magistrate. "This man, through his carelessness has caused the death of a chicken that would have fetched me a hundred coins in another two years !" Fear had made the worker's speech incoherent. Nobody could understand what he was saying. "The price put on the chicken is hundred rupees," said the magistrate, to the worker. "I advise you to pay the owner." There was a gasp from the crowd. Everybody had expected the magistrate to favour the poor worker. The owner of the chicken was overjoyed. "They said you were fair in your judgements" he said, rubbing his hands in glee, "now I can say there is no one fairer than you !"
"The Law is always fair," smiled the magistrate. "Tell me, how much grain a chicken would eat in a year ?" "About half a sack," said the poultry shop owner. "So in two years the chicken who died would have eaten a whole sack of grain," said Vishnu Raman. "Please give the sack of grain you've saved to the worker." The chicken owner turned pale. A sack of grain would cost more than hundred rupees. Frightened by the shouts from the crowd, he declared he would not take any money from the worker, and retreated into the safety of his shop in the end.
17. What was Vishnu Raman well known for?
(A) He was well known for his respectable position
(B) He was well known for his honesty
(C) He was well known for his fairness of judgement
(D) He was well known for time management
(E) None of these
Ans: (C)
18. Why was the owner asked to give a sack of grain to the worker?
(A) The worker could not afford grain
(B) The worker had purchased the sack of grain
(C) The worker did not get paid for his services
(D) A sack of grain was equal to a hundred rupees
(E) He would have saved on a sack of grain
Ans: (E)
19. In the end, the owner turned pale because-
1. The magistrate was being unjust.
2. He realised that he was being cheated.
3. The magistrate asked him to give the worker a sack of grain.
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Only 3
(D) Only 1 and 2
(E) Only 2 and 3
Ans: (C)
20. Why was the owner of the shop initially overjoyed with the magistrate's judgement ?
(A) The magistrate asked the worker to pay him a hundred rupees
(B) He was fond of the magistrate
(C) He did not expect the magistrate to favour the worker
(D) He could now buy another chicken
(E) The law is always fair
Ans: (A)
21. What was the commotion in the market about ?
(A) The worker quitting his job
(B) The shop owner beating the magistrate
(C) The magistrate's visit to the market
(D) The death of a chicken
(E) The missing money from the owner's shop
Ans: (D)
Directions-(Q.22-23) Choose the word which is most opposite in meaning of the word printed in bold as used in the passage-
22. Accidentally
(A) Deliberately
(B) Mistakenly
(C) Erroneously
(D) Cautiously
(E) Hastily
Ans: (B)
23. Fair
(A) Brilliant
(B) Good
(C) Honest
(D) Unjust
(E) Clever
Ans: (D)
Directions-(Q.24-26) Pick out the most effective word from the given words to fill in the blanks to make the sentence meaningfully complete-
24. Most of the people who .......... the book exhibition were teachers.
(A) witnessed
(B) presented
(C) conducted
(D) held
(E) attended
Ans: (E)
25. The frequent errors are a result of the student's .................
(A) talent
(B) smartness
(C) carelessness
(D) perception
(E) destructiveness
Ans: (C)
26. I finally.......... her to stay another day.
(A) advised
(B) persuaded
(C) suggested
(D) called
(E) tortured
Ans: (B)
Numerical Ability
Directions-(Q.27-29) What will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following series ?
27. 343, 350, 336, 357, 329, ? , 322
(A) 354
(B) 364
(C) 368
(D) 362
(E) None of these
Ans: (B)
28. 27, 28, 32, 41, 57, 82, ?
(A) 116
(B) 112
(C) 118
(D) 119
(E) 117
Ans: (C)
29. 33, 38, ? , 63, 83, 108
(A) 47
(B) 46
(C) 43
(D) 48
(E) 49
Ans: (D)
Directions-(Q.30-35) What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following questions ?
30. 958 x 63 ÷ 32 = ?
(A) 7606
(B) 6706
(C) 6760
(D) 6607
(E) None of these
Ans: (B)
31. 582 - 82 = 300 + ?
(A) 3000
(B) 3300
(C) 3030
(D) 3003
(E) None of these
Ans: (A)
32. 791.52 + 463.88 - 540.25 = ?
(A) 725.25
(B) 711.11
(C) 735.35
(D) 715.15
(E) None of these
Ans: (D)
33. 65 x 362 x 1296 = 6?
(A) 13
(B) 12
(C) 14
(D) 11
(E) None of these
Ans: (A)
34. √576 + √841 = √?
(A) 2890
(B) 2098
(C) 2909
(D) 2809
(E) None of these
Ans: (D)
35. (69.3 x 15.2) + (4.5 x 19.8) = ?
(A) 1142.46
(B) 1152.46
(C) 1412.46
(D) 1124.46
(E) None of these
Ans: (A)
Directions-(Q.36-37) In each of these questions an equation is given with a question mark (?) in place of the correct figure on the right hand side which satisfies the equality. Based on the values on the left hand side and the symbol of equality given, you have to decide which of the following figures will satisfy the equality and thus come in place of the question mark.
Symbol stand for :
> greater than
= equal to
< lesser than
≥ either greater than or equal to
≤ either lesser than or equal to
36. ± [(5 x 3) + (57 ÷ 3)] ÷ ?
(A) 35
(B) 33
(C) - 34
(D) 34
(E) 31
Ans: (C)
37. (√64 + 456) ÷ 8 < ?
(A) 53
(B) - 58
(C) 57.9
(D) 56
(E) 59
Ans: (E)
38. The ratio between Priti's and Asha's ages is 9 : 13 respectively. 8 years ago the ratio between their ages was 7: 11 respectively. What is Priti's present age?
(A) 36 years
(B) 52 years
(C) 43 years
(D) 49 years
(E) None of these
Ans: (A)
39. The average of five numbers is 371.8. The average of the first and second number is 256.5 and the average of the fourth and fifth number is 508. Which of the following is the third number?
(A) 360
(B) 310
(C) 430
(D) 380
(E) 330
Ans: (E)
40. The average speed of a bus is 67 km per hour. The bus was scheduled to start at 12 pm. It was scheduled to reach a destination 335 km away from its starting point at 7 pm and a halt was scheduled on the way. For how long was the halt scheduled ?
(A) 3 hours
(B) 2 hours
(C) 1 hour
(D) Cannot be determined
(E) None of these
Ans: (B)
41. Oisha scored 35 marks in Geography, 32 marks in History, 29 marks in Science, 40 marks in Mathematics, 36 marks in English and 33 marks in Hindi. The maximum marks in each subject are 50. What is Oisha's approximate percentage ?
(A) 68
(B) 63
(C) 58
(D) 53
(E) 76
Ans: (A)
Directions- (Q.42-44) What approximate value should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following questions ?
(Note: You are not expected to calculate the exact value)
42. 12.93 x 78.78 ÷ 10.95 = ?
(A) 40
(B) 120
(C) 110
(D) 60
(E) 90
Ans: (E)
43. 798 ÷ 27 x 0.66 = ?
(A) 40
(B) 50
(C) 10
(D) 30
(E) 20
Ans: (E)
44. 13.08 x 19.901 ÷ 17.05 = ?
(A) 25
(B) 35
(C) 55
(D) 15
(E) 45
Ans: (D)
Compute Knowledge
45. In word you can force a page break-
(A) By positioning your cursor at the appropriate place and pressing the F1 key
(B) By using the Insert/Section Break
(C) By positioning your cursor at the appropriate place and pressing Ctrl + Enter
(D) By changing the font size of your document
(E) None of these
Ans: (C)
46. Junk e-mail is also called-
(A) spam
(B) spoof
(C) sniffer script
(D) spool
(E) None of these
Ans: (A)
47. Hackers-
(A) all have the same motive
(B) break into other people's computers
(C) may legally break into computers as long as they do not do any damage
(D) are people who are allergic to computers
(E) None of these
Ans: (B)
48. What type of computers are client computers (most of the time) in a client-server system ?
(A) Mainframe
(B) Mini-computer
(C) Microcomputer
(E) None of these
Ans: (C)
49. A computer cannot 'boot' if it does not have the-
(A) Compiler
(B) Loader
(C) Operating System
(D) Assembler
(E) None of these
Ans: (C)
50. The amount of vertical space between lines of text in a document is called-
(A) double-space
(B) line spacing
(C) single space
(D) vertical spacing
(E) None of these
Ans: (B)
51. Example of non-numeric data is-
(A) Employee address
(B) Examination score
(C) Bank balance
(D) All of these
(E) None of these
Ans: (A)
52. What is embedded system ?
(A) The programme which arrives by being wrapped in box.
(B) The programme which is the permanent part of the computer
(C) The computer which is the part of a big computer
(D) The computer and software system that control the machine
(E) None of these
Ans: (D)
53. First page of Website is termed as-
(A) Homepage
(B) Index
(C) JAVA script
(D) Bookmark
(E) None of these
Ans: (A)
54. ..................... is the appearance of typed characters.
(A) Size
(B) Format
(C) Point
(D) Colour
(E) None of these
Ans: (B)
55. When a file is saved for the first time-
(A) a copy is automatically printed
(B) it must be given a name to identify it
(C) it does not need a name
(D) it only needs a name if it is not going to be printed
(E) None of these
Ans: (B)
56. Office LANS, which are scattered geographically on large scale, can be connected by the use of corporate-
Ans: (D)
57. Where are data and programme stored when the processor uses them ?
(A) Main memory
(B) Secondary memory
(C) Disk memory
(D) Programme memory
(E) None of these
Ans: (A)
58. ............... represents raw facts, where- as ................. is data made meaningful.
(A) Information, reporting
(B) Data, information
(C) Information, bits
(D) Records, bytes
(E) Bits, bytes
Ans: (B)
59. Which keystroke will take you at the beginning or the end of a long document ?
(A) Ctrl + PageUp and Ctrl + PageOown
(B) Shift + Home and Shift + End
(C) Ctrl + Home and Ctrl + End
(D) The only way is by using the right scroll bar
(E) None of these
Ans: (C)
60. What characteristic of read-only memory (ROM) makes it useful ?
(A) ROM information can be easily updated.
(B) Data in ROM is nonvolatile, that is, it remains there even without electrical power.
(C) ROM provides very large amounts of inexpensive data storage.
(D) ROM chips are easily swapped between different brands of computers.
(E) None of these
Ans: (B)
General Awareness (with special reference to banking industry)
61. India and Sri Lanka signed a MoU on 20 July 2011 to develop the __port.
(A) Kankesanthurai
(B) Hambantota
(C) Oluvil
(D) Port of Point Pedro
Ans: (A)
62. Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) proposed to create regulations for alternative investment funds under the title SEBI (Alternative Investment Fund) Regulations on 1 August 2011. With regard to the statement which of the following is/are not true?
1. Alternative investment fund raise capital from a number of high networth investors to invest in accordance with a defined investment policy for the benefit of those investors.
2. SEBI made it optional for all types of private pools of capital or investment funds to seek registration with SEBI.
3. For PE funds, investments would be mainly in unlisted companies or companies proposed to be listed.
4. For infrastructure equity funds, minimum half of the investment would have to be in equity of infrastructure projects/companies.
(A) 1 & 4
(B) 2 & 3
(C) 1 & 3
(D) 2 & 4
Ans: (A)
63. Who took charge as Chairman of the Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd, Visakhapatnam steel plant (RINL-VSP) on 31 July 2011?
(A) A.P. Choudhary
(B) P.K. Bishnoi
(C) N.K Mishra
(D) Binayak Mishra
Ans: (A)
64. Who is the five-time national champion from Tamil Nadu who won the final in the National billiards and snooker championship on 25 July 2011?
(A) Vidya Pillai Tilakraj
(B) Arantxa Sanchis
(C) Neena Praveen
(D) Suniti Damani
Ans: (A)
65. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in a bid to tame inflationary pressure hiked the short-term indicative policy rate (repo rate) by 50 basis points on 26 July 2011. The repo rate currently stands at what percentage?
(A) 7%
(B) 7.5%
(C) 8%
(D) 8.5%
Ans: (C)
66. Name the public sector lender that selected Metlife as its partner for a proposed foray into the life insurance segment.
(A) Syndicate Bank
(B) Punjab National Bank
(C) Corporation Bank
(D) United Bank of India
Ans: (B)
67. World Investment Report 2011 was released by UNCTAD on 26 July 2011. According to the report, what is India’s position among the top 20 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) recipients?
(A) 8th
(B) 10th
(C) 14th
(D) 4th
Ans: (C)
68. The Union Cabinet Approved National Social Security Fund for Unorganised Sectors. The fund is likely to benefit __crore workers in the unorganized sector.
(A) 43.3
(B) 35.6
(C) 34
(D) 20.5
Ans: (A)
69. The Union government on 26 July 2011 announced restoration of the popular duty entitlement pass book (DEPB) scheme for export of cotton. Which of the following is/are not true with regard to the following?
1. Restoration of the popular duty entitlement pass book (DEPB) scheme was announced for export of cotton with retrospective effect from 1 April 2011 and on cotton yarn from 1 October 2010.
2. Cotton yarn had been placed under Open General Licence for exports from 1 October 2011.
3. Exports of cotton were dis-incentivised by virtue of export tax, following a sharp rise in prices in January 2011.
4. Restrictions continue to remain on export of cotton, that is, 65 lakh bales this year.
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Both 1 & 2
(D) Only 4
Ans: (B)
70. Which one of the following became the first Baltic nation to Sign a double taxation avoidance agreement with India?
(A) Lithuania
(B) Spain
(C) Estonia
(D) Poland
Ans: (A)
71. Who did the Union government appoint on 23 July 2011 as the Solicitor-General, the second senior most law officer of India?
(A) Fali S Nariman
(B) Rohinton Nariman
(C) Gopal Subramanium
(D) Harish Salve
Ans: (B)
72. Saturn has __ moons.
(A) 62
(B) 45
(C) 34
(D) 2
Ans: (A)
73. India accepted international norms for the prevention of air pollution emanating from ships. The norms were proposed under a 1997 protocol of the International Maritime Organisation(IMO). When was IMO established?
(A) 1948
(B) 1997
(C) 1982
(D) 1937
Ans: (A)
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