(1) The average marks in each paper at National Level.
(2) The total number of candidates appeared to the examination.
(3) The relative difficulty/easiness of each paper.
The experts (Various Institute Directors and Senior faculty) expressed their opinion on CUT OFF MARKS as follows. Cutoff Marks are very important as IBPS issue score cards only to those candidates who qualify in each paper.
(1) Reasoning 22-27 marks
(2) English Language 12-18 marks
(3) Quantitative Aptitude 21-26 marks
(4) General Awareness 25-30 marks
(5) Computer Knowledge 25-30 marks
(6) Descriptive Paper 10-15 marks
The Viewers are invited to express paper wise their expected marks, cut off marks, their doubts & questions on answers & solutions of IBPS Common Written Exam for PO in each paper.
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