This a common question often asked by the students who just started the preparation of bank recruitment exams conducted by reputed public sector banks. Candidates worry about the pattern of questions, difficulty level of those question, the limited time provided during the bank exam and expected cutoffs etc. No doubts all these questions are important while considering the number of candidate appearing in the bank recruitment exams and number of vacancies available. Crowd is so high that it deter many students often very good students to appear in the bank exams. I don't want to fear you but I want you to realize you the hard work and dedication that these exams demands.
To succeed in the bank recruitment examination you requires three things.
1. Dedication toward goal
2. Right Strategy
3. A lot of Practice.
(1). Dedication toward your Goal.
You should always keep in your mind that preparation for bank recruitment exam demands hard work and dedication toward goal. You should not fear from the high competition and hard work required for the exam. Remember the only hurdle for success is not competition nor its difficulty but it is the fear for exam in your mind. Get rid of your fear and be ready for a exam that will prove your worth. Make a promise to yourself that the initial failure will not make me deter from my path, I will crack these exam anyhow.
(2). Right Strategy --
So now you have made a strong determination for success in bank recruitment exam. But remember determination and success is two different thing. Hard work is not sufficient if it is not done in the right manner. Success requires hard work combined with right strategy. So now a new question arises, what should be the right strategy to prepare for the bank exams?
There should be different strategy for different stages of preparation.
A) Strategy at the beginning of preparation-
At the beginning of preparation of bank exam focus should be on the basics. Always remember, ignoring the importance of fundamentals may hurt your preparation at later stage so its better to remove dust from the basic concepts of Mathematics, Reasoning, Grammars etc.
Start from the Mathematics book of 9th and 10th and quickly remind basics like percentage, profit and loss, Interest rates averages, mensurations, Geometry, Number System etc.
For reasoning think about the puzzles you used to love playing during your childhood. Start playing Sudokoo, solve classic puzzles found in different books like relationship puzzles, number arrangement etc. You may think this type of question is irrelevant for bank exam. yes you are right, some of these questions are not relevant but remember it is the primary stage of preparation and your focus is on brushing up your basics. These question will act as a warm up for difficult question. It will create interest and open your mind.
For English section go through the grammar books of school days. Make a clear cut concept of basic things and try to find out the common grammatical errors people commit during writing or speaking. This will help you solve the common error questions asked in the English section of exam. Also read as much English as you can, improve your vocabulary by collecting word meanings, their antonyms, synonyms and also try to understand the sentence pattern used in the modern English. All these exercise will help you in the later and more serious stage of exam preparation.
(B) Strategy at the middle stage-
Now you have refreshed your fundamental, so be prepare for serious study. Now you have to target the questions asked in the bank recruitment exams. you need to do close analysis on types of questions. List the subjects that you need to study to solve the questions. For example when you see the question from compound interest, percentage, partnership etc you know that I have to study these subject to solve the question. So make a close analysis of all the section, make a list of topic that you have to cover, divide the list on the priority basis, make a time schedule and follow this schedule strictly to complete the topics. Solve old question papers regularly to track your progress, learn everything required for the exam. The more you study better you handle the questions.
(C). Strategy at the final stage (Speed building stage)-
This stage is about building speed with accuracy. Practice as much as you can by solving sample question papers or old question papers asked in the various bank exam. Learn from your mistakes and refine your strategy. A lot of practice is the only way of success so don't compromise with practice. Remember main hurdle for success in bank exam is not the difficulty level of question but the time available to solve these questions. Here faster horse will be the winner so build up your speed with PRACTICE, PRACTICE, and PRACTICE .
3) A lot of Practice-
Remember for the success in the bank recruitment exam there is no alternative of practice. The more you practice the better score will you get. Solve as many question set as you can. Collect question banks of different bank exams and solve them daily. Try a join Mock Test series organized by many coaching institutes to evaluate your progress. Remember you have every thing that a winner have but you need to sharpen your skill to achieve your goal. After all Practice Makes a Perfect.
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