The candidates who are taking their bank exam for their first times are more worried about their negative marks. Negative marks in the bank exam are rewarded to each and every one for every wrong answer, which starts with 0.25 to 0.50. So the candidates always try to minimize their negative marks as if they not then these negative marks will lead them to failure. Here we will discuss about the topic on how to minimize negative marking in bank exams. Here are some of the tips on how to minimize negative marking in the bank exam:
Study previous years question paper
Studying the previous year question paper will help you to get information about how the questions are given in the bank exam, the format of question paper; the pattern of question paper etc. will help you in your bank exam. By reading the previous question paper you will also came to know that which part of question will take how must time to solve in this way you can also be able to utilize the correct time. www.jagronjosh.com is a very good website to check previous and current year question paper with solved answer.
Practice the previous question papers
Practice makes a man perfect so keep practicing the previous question papers. As all the banks want that the candidate should complete 120-150 questions in 3 hours, it being essential for the applicants to figure out short cut method, easy problem skill so that the candidate could save their precious time. This could only be done by practicing the papers.
Go for the mock test papers!
The best idea is to spend some time in solving out the mock test papers as they act as a guide to the candidates for understanding the exact criteria of the examiners. Mock test papers provide an overview of what the paper in actual is likely to be and hence, candidates get a proper practice session before going down for a big shot.
Reduce swaying answers
The most pathetic condition is found when a candidate answers the questions on a random basis where he or she has no idea of the answer is really hinting about, hence, it creates a negative image of the candidate and the examiners carelessly goes through the paper and provides whatever marks as he thinks to be fit. Swaying of answer can sometimes also in form of answering the questions in random orders which creates a lot of confusion in the minds of the examiner and irritates him all the way.
The ideal solution
The ideal solution to reduce the negative marks in your paper is to be very precise in approach which allows the examiner to understand your position properly and even if the paper is not well answered, the examiner will believe that the candidate has a fair approach and his answers are not vague. Keep the answers simple and if you do not have any idea about a particular answer, well leaver it blank, the examiner will think that the candidate answers only those of which he knows and it will create a positive image.
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