Assam Gramin Vikash Bank has announced for 267 officer scale various posts. So exited all candidates apply in this recruitment. Who want to working as per their recruitment then you will apply online. Job is a bank vacancy, so we know that bank job is very best job & you know what this job is government job. So you may not this job and hurry for apply.
Currently application will start on April of 02nd, 2013. So eligible all candidates apply before April of 15th, 2013. We are providing Official notification and information related to this vacancy. So you will read full post and take all important notification for need to applying procedure. If any trouble about the vacancy then you may visit to official site or recruitment notification. They are required well mannered candidates for their bank jobs. So you will apply via same through this post.
Requirements :
Qualification : Applicants should have pass bachelor degree with discipline from recognized university. You also pass relevant degree from recognized university.
Selection : Candidates will basis of selection on IBPS examination held last year December 2012. So you will know this information. If you want to more information about this procedure then you will visit their official site.
Posting Period : Opening date for application form is April of 02nd, 2013. Closing date for application form is April of 15th, 2013. I hope you will submit your application before that last date.
Applying Process : For all Indian eligible candidates apply to online mode. You will fill up your application form with your all correct (original) information from. Then you attach passport size photograph & your all necessary documents and make submit your application. After submit your application then you will take printout for further use in future. For more information following to below helpful links for have a any query.
Important Dates:
- Opening Date of Registration: 2 April 2013
- Closing Date of Registration: 15 April 2013
- Payment of Application Fee: 2 April 2013 to 15 April 2013
- Official Site : www.agvbank.co.in
- Click Here for : Detailed Notification
- Click Here for : Apply Online
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