When IBPS will conduct the IBPS CWE for Clerks ?

IBPS the sole authority for conducting the Common written exam for clerks has now rescheduled its exam dates.The information that we get from our sources predict that IBPS will now conduct exam on two different dates and in two different shifts (Morning and Evening)
IBPS to conduct Common Written Exam for clerks on 27th November 2011 and 4th December 2011 and 11th December in the morning and the evening shifts.Although there is no official word yet on the rescheduling of dates but one think is sure that IBPS is conducting exam on 4th December 2011 and 11th December (in Morning and Evening) shifts.The exam is rescheduled to two different dates because of large number of candidates are registered and appearing for the exam.
With this Latest IBPS News on rescheduling of IBPS Clerk exam date the IBPS Portal has become the first Website on the Internet to report any thing before the Official announcement.Although we cannot guarantee that IBPS will conduct the exam on 27th November or not but one thing is sure that IBPS will conduct the exam on 4th December 2011 and 11th December.Still we have to wait for official announcement.
As far as call letter is concerned the students can download the call letter only after 15th November 2011 as is clearly mentioned in the Important Dates page of the IBPS official website.So students must check the IBPS official website only after 15th November to download the call letter and Information Handout
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