For details regarding vacancies and cut-off marks State/UT-wise, category-wise, eligibility criteria, fees/intimation charges, application procedure, selection procedure, reservation/relaxation etc., please visit the Bank’s website between 01.06.2012 and 15.06.2012.
The Clerical recruitment would be on State/UT-wise basis. It will therefore be necessary that candidates apply for vacancies of State/UT from which they have appeared for the Common Written Examination in which they have qualified. Candidates should possess proficiency in the Official /Regional Language of the State/UT for which vacancies he/she wishes to apply (To read, write & speak).
Number of Jobs: 1000 Probationary Clerks
The number of vacancies and also the number of reserved vacancies is provisional and may vary according to actual requirements of the Bank.
Important Dates:
Payment of Application Fees at Syndicate Bank Branches: 01.06.2012 To 15.06.2012
Opening date for Online Registration: 01.06.2012
Last Date for Online Registration: 15.06.2012
All other details about the Syndicate Bank Clerk Recruitment 2012 will be updated shortly on Our website.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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