Click here to view the complete list of selected candidates name and roll number .
Total number of candidated called by Canara Bank-
Called for GD & Interview | 10826 |
Appeared for GD & Interview | 6484 |
Qualified in GD & Interview | 5981 |
Provisionally Selected | 1984 |
Cutoff marks finalized by the Bank are as follows-
Cut off Marks | ||
Category | GD & Interview | Final Marks |
Unreserved | 55 & above | 75.85 |
OBC | 50 & above | 71.28 |
OBC-Minority | 50 & above | 64.68 |
SC | 50 & above | 69.45 |
ST | 50 & above | 63.65 |
PWD-VC | 50 & above | 56.78 |
PWD-HI | 50 & above | 50.20 |
PWD-OC | 50 & above | 68.80 |
Bank announced that details of marks secured by the candidates who appeared for Group Discussion and Personal Interview will be made available shortly on the official website.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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