This is the Fourth set of 50 General Awareness MCQs based on Current Awareness, Banking Awareness. These Quizzes are very useful for bank exams & all other competitive exams. so practice these quizzes for your batter preparation. Also share this website with your friends.
1)Expand CERN?
1. Centre for Education and Research News
2. Centre for References and News
3. European Centre for Nuclear Research
4. none of these
2)The amount that India allotted during 12th five year plan to provide free medicines to all patients?
1. Rs 38,450 crore
2. Rs 28,560 crore
3.Rs 10000 Crore
4. None of these
3)Which of the following company introduced fastest computer in world?
1. Micro soft
2. Apple
3. Lenova
4. IBM
4)Why Liu Yang was in news recently?
1. She became first Chinese Woman to go into space
2. She became first winner Olympic Medal from China
3. She became first Chinese President
4. None of these
5)Expand CCMB?
1. Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology
2. Centre for Cell and Micro Biology
3. Centre for chemo therapy and Biopsy
4. None of these
6)In which of the following nation Conference sustainable was held?
1. America
2. France
3. Brazil
4. Kenya
7)From which of the following places Russia’s Soyuz-FG rocket was launched?
1. Baikonur Space Centre
2. ISRO Satellite Launching Centre
3. Russia Cosmodrome Centre
4. None of these
8)How many Satellites was placed by Russia’s Soyuz-FG in respective Orbits?
1. 2
2. 3
3. 4
4. 5
9)The term ‘God Particle’ was first used by?
1. Higgs
2. Leon Lederman
3. Satyandranath Bose
4. FabiolaGoamptto
10)For which of the following disease a team of scientists invented a diagnoses techn ique, that can help to detect disease early?
1. Austism
3. Tuberculosis
4. Polio
11)Which of the following educational institution associated with railways in developing Train Tracking System?
1. IIT-Kanpur
2. IISC-Bangalore
3. IIT-Kharagpu
4. IIIT-Hyderabad
12)Which of the following is true about Sequoia?
1. It is the fastest computer in the world
2. Sequoia is able to make 16.32 quadrillion calculations per second
3. It was prepared by IBM
4. None of these
13)Which of the following University scientists discovered the first radio emissions?
1. University of Sydney
2. University of Massachutes
3. Oxford University
14)Expand HLX-1?
1. Hypower Linux
2. Hyper luminous X-ray source
3. Hyper linux X-ray source
4. None of these
15)China recently launched Shenzhou-9 Human space flight. This is the
1. 3rd
2. 4th
4) 2nd
16)Expand NASA?
1. North American Space Application
2. National Aeronautics and Space Application
3. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
4. North American Space Administration
17)World Environment day is observed on?
1. July 5th
2. June 5th
3. May 5th
4. August 5th
18)Papineni Rao is in news recently. Why?
1. He is associated with CERN experiment
2. He invented a technique which detects Autism early
3. He invented a cancer treatment system and got patented in the USA
4. None of these
19)Papineni rao is associated with?
1. University of California
2. Carestream Health
3. Health innovations
4. Massachutes innovations
20)By what percentage global carbon dioxide increased in 2011?
1. 2%
21)Which of the following company unveiled a technology that enables a car to drive itself through heavy traffic?
1. Tata
2. Wolks
3. Ford
4. Honda
22)The name of the technology which was invented by Ford, that enables car to drive itself through heavy traffic?
1. Traffic jam assist
2. Innovative self technology
3. Self radiating analiser
4. None of these
23)Which of the following University Scientists developed the world’s most advanced pair of robotic legs that accurately mimic human walking?
1. University of California
2. University of Arizona
3. University of Cambridge
4. Oxford University
24)The fastest computer delivers 16.32 petaflops per
1. Per 3 seconds
2. Per2 seconds
3. Per second
4. None of these
25)Who among the following is the CERN Director General?
1. Rolf-Dieter Heuer
2. Joe Incandela
3. Peter. H
4. None of these
26)Satyandranath bose worked in association with which famous scientist?
1. Chandra sekharan
2. Einstein
3. C.V. Raman
4. None of these
27)European Organisation for Nuclear Rese arch is located at?
1. London
2. Paris
3. Edinbourgh
4. Geneva
28)Which of the following program was launched by UN Secretary General Ban-Ki-Moon on the eve of RIO+20 Summit?
1. Zero hunger challenge
2. No gas emitence
3. Zero chlorofloro hydro carbons
4. None of these
29)The world Blood Donor Day is celebrated on...?
1.August 9th
2. June 14th
3. July 9th
4. August 14th
30)Which of the following Scientific organi zation made fastest computer in India?
1. CMC
3. C-Dac
4. None of these
31)Which of the following scientific Organization created improved rice known as samba Mahsuri?
2. NIN
4. None of these
32)Expand NIN?
1. Nurturing Institute for Nutrition
2. National Institute of Nutrition
3. Nutrition Institute for nurturing child
4. None of these
33)Central Rice Research Institute is located in?
1. Hyderabad
2. Nagpur
3. Surat
4. Cuttak
34)The range of Brahmos cruise Missile?
1. 290 km
2. 300 km
3. 310 km
4. 320km
35)Scientists have recently discovered a small dwarf irregular galaxy known as?
1. DDO 188
2. DDO 189
3. DDO 190
4. DDO 291
36)The distance that DDO 190 lies away from our Solar System?
1. 9 million light years
2. 10 million light years
3. 11 million light years
4. 12 million light years
37)Which of the following University has recently discovered new Owl species?
1. University of California
2. Michigan State University
3. Standford University
4. New York university
38)In which of the following places an ancient skull recovered?
1. Egypt
2. Northern Indonesia
3. Southern Laos
4. Northern Laos
39)In which of the following nation a tooth less rat has been seen?
1. Thailand
2. China
3. Srilanka
4. Indonesia
40)Which of the following nation has deve loped a new generation of inter-continental and submarine launched missiles capable of carrying as many as 10 nuclear warheads?
1. America
2. Russia
3. China
4. India
41)In which of the following places India’s first centre for Biopolymer Science and Technology was inaugurated?
1. Chandigarh
2. Pune
3. Nagpur
4. Kochi
42)The Biopolymer science and technology is a unit of the?
1. Centre for cellular and molecular biology
2. Central Institute of Plastic Engineering and Technology
3. Centre for DNA printing Technology
4. National Institute of Nutritution
43)Which of the following force will not be explained with the experiment at the CERN?
1. Gravitation force
2. Electro magnetic force
3. Nuclear force
4. None of these
44)Which of the following is true about moon landing?
1. A total of twelve men have landed on the moon till date
2. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on Appollo11, landed on moon in 1969
3. Six manned landings happened in a span of 41 months
4. All the above
45)With how many European nations India had entered into its first multi lateral social science research collaboration?
1. 3
2. 4
3. 5
4. 6
46)Which of the following nation scientists have recently claimed that they found treatment for Alzheimer?
1. USA
2. UK
3. Australia
4. China
47)Which of the following is true about recent finding s of Michigan University?
1. They claimed that they could restore the sense of smell in human beings who lost the ability to sniff odours from birth
2. Scientists used gene therapy to regrow cilia, cell structures that are important for olfactory function
3. These results could result in to one of the first therapeutic options
4. All the above
48)Scientists developed a new strain of rice that could increase crop yields and grown in soils lacking?
1. Nutrient Nitrogen
2. Nutrient Phosphorous
3. Phosphorous
4. Nitrogen
49)With which of the following nation Luna-1 is associated?
1. Russia
2. America
3. China
4. Japan
50)Which of the following was the first Robotic probe to land on the Moon?
1. Luna 15
2. Luna 21
3. Luna 16
4. Luna 22
1-3; 2-2; 3-4; 4-1; 5-1; 6-3; 7-1; 8-4; 9-2; 10-1;
11-1; 12-4; 13-1; 14-2; 15-2; 16-3; 17-2; 18-3; 19-2; 20-2;
21-3; 22-1; 23-2; 24-3; 25-1; 26-2; 27-4; 28-1; 29-2; 30-3;
31-1; 32-2; 33-4; 34-1; 35-3; 36-2; 37-2; 38-4; 39-4; 40-3;
41-4; 42-2; 43-1; 44-4; 45-2; 46-3; 47-4; 48-2; 49-2; 50-2. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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