Arithmetic (Numerical Aptitude)
Directions-(Q. 1-5) What should come in place of the question—mark (?) in the following questions ?
1. [(58)² x (48)²] ÷ ? = 2152-96
(A) 60 (B) 2500 (C) 50 (D) 3600 (E) None of those
2. 7432 ÷ 92-9 x 18-5 = ?
(A) 1450 (B) 1600 (C) 1480 (D) 1560 (E) None of these
3. 99 x 21 – ³?? = 1968
(A) 1367631 (B) 111 (C) 1366731 (D) 1367 (E) None of these
4. 9634 x 3/8 ÷ ? = 28-902
(A) 115 (B) 95 (C) 110 (D) 120 (E) None of these
5. 19-99 x 9-9 + 99-9 = ?
(A) 129-79 (B) 297-801 (C) 1009 . (D) 296-91 (E) None of these
Directions—(Q. 6-10) What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following number series ?
6. 354, 180, 64, 21, 10.2, ?
(A) 5.6 (B) 8.7 (C) 3.8 (D) 1.7 (E) None of these
7. 4.5, 18, 2.25, ?, 1.6875, 33.75
(A) 27 (B) 25.5 . (C) 36 (D) 40. l (E) None of these
8. 59.76, 58.66, 56.46, 52.06, 7, 25.66
(A) 48.08 (B) 46.53 (C) 43.46 (D) 43.26 (E) None of these
9. 36, 157, 301, 470, ?, 891 -
(A) 646 (B) 695 ` (C) 639 (D) 669 (E) None of these
10. 14, 70, 350, ?, 8750, 43750
(A) 1570 (B) 875 (C) 1750 _ (D) 785 (E) None of these
11. The ratio of the number of students studying in Schools A, B and C is 6 : 8 : 7 respectively. If the number of students studying in each of the schools is increased by 20%, 15% and 20% respectively, what will be the new ratio of the number of students in Schools A, B and C.
(A) 18 : 23 : 21 (B) 12: 18 : 17 (C) 18 :21 : l7
(D) Cannot be determined (E) None of these
12. On a test consisting of 75 questions carrying one mark each Samir answered 75% of the first 40 questions correctly. What approximate per cent of the other 35 questions does he need to answer correctly to score 80% on the entire test
(A) 90 (B) 75 (C) 86 (D) 60 (E) 58
13. Out of these numbers the sum of the first and the second number is 73 and the sum of second and the third number is 77. The sum of the third and thrice the first number is 104. What is the third number
(A) 25 (B) 39 (C) 48 (D) Cannot be determined (E) None of these _
14. 50 people consume 350 kgs. of rice in 30 days. In how many days will 35 people consume 50 kgs. of rice
(A) 2 days (B) 3 days (C) 5 days (D) 7 days (E) None of these
15. Krishna has some hens and some goats. If the total number of animal heads are 81 and total number of animal legs are 234, how many goats does’ Krishna have ?
(A) 45 (B) 24 (C) 36 (D) Cannot be determined (E) None of these
Directions—(Q. 16-20) Study the following data carefully and answer the questions given below. A survey conducted on 1800 villages shows _ that 25% of the total villages have only adequate water supply. 15% of the total number of villages have proper supply of electricity only. 7% of the total number of villages have only proper education facilities. 12% of the total number of villages have telecommunication services only. 16% of the total number of villages have proper health care services only. 6% of the total number of villages have adequate water as well as supply of electricity. 8% of the total number of villages have adequate supply of water, supply of electricity as well as health care services. 5% of the total number of villages have proper supply of electricity, telecommunication services as well as health care services and 6% of the total number of villages have all the facilities.
16, How many villages in all have adequate water supply ?
(A) 702 (B) 450 (C) 594 (D) 810 (E) None of these
17. How many villages in all have adequate supply of water as well as electricity ?
(A) 360 (B) 108 (C) 720 (D) 972 (E) None of these
18. How many villages in all do not have proper supply of electricity ?
(A) 720 (B) 850 (C) 920 (D) 1080 (E) None of these
19. How many villages have only proper education facilities ?
(A) 108 (B) 126 (C) 234 (D) 216 (E) None of these
20. How many villages have all the facilities ?
(A) 90 (B) 126 (C) 144 (D) 106 (E) None of these
Directions—(Q. 21-25) Study the following table carefully and answer the questions given _; below. l Quantity of Rice produced by various states over the years (Quantity in Tonnes) Years
States 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
A 1500 1480 1620 1700 1540 1650
B 1250 1190 1400 1450 1320 1380
C 1160 1190 1310 1300 1340 1360
D 1520 1500 1480 1590 1630 1580
E 1440 1350 1430 1280 1380 1400
F 1600 1620 1510 1610 1580 1590
21. In which state has the production of rice increased over the years continuant
(A) A (B) B (C) D (D) E (E) None of these
22. In which year was the production of rice the highest in all the states together
(A) 2007 (B) 2002 (C) 2005 (D) 2006 (E) None of these
23. Which state produced the lowest quantity of rice over the years ?
(A) E (B) D (C) C (D) A (E) None of these
24. What is the respective ratio of the average quantity of rice produced by State D to the average quantity of rice produced by State F over the years ?
(A) 69 : 79 (B) 310:317 (C) 138: 155 (D) 276: 317 (E) None of these
25. Rice produced by State C in the year 2005 is approximately what per cent of the rice produced by State A in the same year ‘?
(A) 82 (B) 72 (C) 88 (D) 76 (E) 69
Directions- Study the following table carefully and answer the questions given below. Number of Literates in various cities over the years
M-Males, F-Females
Years 2001 2002 2004
Cities M F M F M F M F M F
U 15000 25000 18550 20000 18590 25000 25000 25500 28000 28800
V 12500 9200 14680 10520 16000 11000 16850 13680 16920 14360
W 18660 17380 18950 18000 18980 19000 19500 19250 19580 19600
X 14200 14350 14820 14500 15250 15000 15390 15250 16000 16200
Y 9700 8320 9990 8540 9870 8820 10200 10000 10520 10300
31. What is the total number of male literates in City W over the years
(A) 97650 (B) 95670 (C) 99280 (D) 96570 (E) None of these
32. What is the total number of literates across the cities in the year 2005
(A) 180280 (B) 182000 (C) 18805.0 (D) 180500 (E) None of these
33. What is the difference between the total number of female literates across the cities in the year 2002 and the year 2004 ?
(A) 11850 (B) 12000 (C) 11500 (D) 12800 (E) None of these
34. What is the respective ratio of literates of City X in the year 2001 to the literates of the same city in the year 2003 ‘?
(A) 581 : 624 (B) 64 : 75 (C) 571 : 605 (D) 84: 131 (E) None of these
35. What is the average number of female literates across the cities in the year 2005 ?
(A) 18725 (B) 15872 • (C) 17582 (D) 17852 (E) None of these
Directions- Study the following Pie—Graph carefully and answer the questions
given below. A survey conducted on 5800 villages staying in various villages and having various favourite fruits
Favourite Fruits
Guava 14%
Apple 12%
Grapes 11%
Mango 28%
Banana 20%
Custard apple 15%
People staying in various villages
A 22%
B 21%
C 32%
D 25%
36. Mango is the favorite fruit of 50% of the people from Village C. People having their favourite fruit as mango from Villages C form approximately what per cent of the people having their favourite fruit as mango from all the villages together ?
(A) 48 (B) 53 (C) 61 (D) 57 (E) 45
37. 20% of the people from Village D have banana is their favourite fruit and 12% of the people from the same village have guava as their favourite fruit. How many people from that village like other fruits
(A) 764 B ) 896 (C) 874 (D) 96% (E) None of these
38. How many people in all have custard apple as their favourite fruit
(A) 850 (B) 864 (C) 870 (D) 812 (E) None of these
39. 50% of the people from Village B have banana as their favourite fruit. How many A people from other villages have the same favourite fruit
(A) 1160 (B) 551 (C) 1020 (D) 609 (E) None of these
40. What is the total number of people having their favourite fruit as apple and grapes together
(A) 1334 (B) 1286 (C) 1300 (D) 1420 (E) None of these
41. In how many different ways can the letters of the word ‘GAMBLE’ be arranged
(A) 720 (B) 840 (C) 360 (D) 420 (E) None of these
42. If the numerator of a fraction is increased by 200% and the denominator of the fraction is increased by 150%, the resultant fraction is $6 What is the original fraction
(A) 5/12 (B) 4/7840 (C) 3/4 (D) 7/11 (E) None of these
43. Pratibha covers a distance of 24 kms at the speed of 8 kms/hr, and a distance of 18 kms at the speed of 9 kms/hr. Further she covers a distance of 12 kms at the speed of 3 kms/hr. What is her average speed in covering the whole distance
(A) 8 kms/hr. (B) 5.5 kms/hr. (C) 3 kms/hr. (D) 6kms/hr. (E) None of these
44. The mean of the marks obtained by 100 E students is 60. If the marks obtained by one of the students was incorrectiy caiemated as 75, whereas the actual marks obtained by him were 65, what is the correct mean of the marks obtained by the students
(A) 59 (B) 58-50 (C) 50 (D) Cannot be determined (E) None of these
45. The difference between a two•digit number and the number obtained by interchanging the two digits of the numbers is 36. What is the difference between the two digits of the number
(A) 6 (B) 4 (C) 3 (D) Cannot be determined (E) None of these
Directions•(Q What approximate value should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following questions ? (You are not expected to calculate the exact value).
46. 388 + 0.8 + 0.7 = ?
(A) 681 (B) 654 (C) 693 (D) 670 (E) 700
47. ?729 x ?338= ?
(A) 470 (B) 482 (C) 521 (D) 530 (E) 496
48. 1875 ÷ 35 x 3242 ÷ 48 = ?
(A) 3525 (B) 3618 (C) 3641 (D) 3591 (E) 3636
49.³?41132 =?
(A) 35 (B) 42 (C) 22 (D) 29 (E) 45
50. 15.28 x 12.36+ 41.17 x 21 – 34 = ?
(A) 1125 (B) 1098 (C) 1132 (D) 1032 (E) 1067
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