Current GK January 2012
1-. Gligorov was the first democratically elected president of Macedonia.
2-. He joined the partisan movement fighting against the Nazi occupation and was one of the organizers of the Anti-Fascist Assembly for the People’s Liberation of Macedonia, or ASNOM in 1945
3-. Gligorov served four consecutive presidential terms, leading the nation from January 1991 to November 2009
4-. The early days his presidency were overshadowed by a bitter dispute with Greece over the newly independent nation’s name , the dispute that continues till date
(A). Only 1
(B). 1 & 2
(C). Only 3
(D). 2 & 4
2- Who was presented the Mahatma Gandhi International Award for Peace and Reconciliation on 4 January 2011, the fourth day of the ten-day Kalachakra initiations?
(A). Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama
(B). South African leader Nelson Mandela
(C). Tanzania's Julius Nyerere
(D). Burmese pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi
3- European Union agreed in principle to ban import of Iranian Crude oil. Consider the following statements:
i) The European Union( EU) is one of Iran’s biggest markets for oil.
ii) The EU is a political and economical union of 27 member states.
Choose the right option:
(A). Both i and ii are correct
(B). Only i is correct
(C). Only ii is correct
(D). Neither i nor ii is correct
4- The Israel-Palestine talks, in the first week of January 2012 was held in Amman. Amman is the capital of__
(A). Jordan
(B). Syria
(C). Iraq
(D). Iran
5- Maldives on 4 January 2012 lifted ban on Spas in the upmarket tourist destination. Consider the following statements:
i) The tourism industry is an important foreign exchange earner in the Maldives.
ii) Maldives in 2011 received more than 850000 tourists.
Choose the right option:
(A). Both i and ii are correct
(B). Only i is correct
(C). Only ii is correct
(D). Neither i nor ii is correct
6- India signed MoU(Memorandum of Understanding) on tourism with ASEAN on 12 January 2012. The agreement took place in__.
(A). Manado
(B). Jakarta
(C). Malaysia
(D). Manila
7- Pravasi Bhartiya Divas-2012 was held in Jaipur. Jaipur is the capital of which one of the following states?
(A). Rajasthan
(B). Bihar
(C). UP
(D). MP
8- India and Japan on 12 January 2012 agreed to enhance their cooperation in the ___sector.
(A). Infrastructure
(B). Tourism
(C). Road and Transport
(D). Coal and Mining
9- Newly crowned Miss Belgium 2012, Laura Beyne mentioned that she mostly supports gay marriages. In which year did Belgium become the second country after the Netherlands to legalize gay marriage?
(A). 2000
(B). 2003
(C). 2005
(D). 2009
10- TiE Chennai (The Indus Entrepreneurs), dedicated to promote entrepreneurship in January 2012 launched a book Dream to destiny — the driving spirit of Chennai's entrepreneurs in January 2012. TiE Chennai is a _.
(A). Non-profit organisation
(B). Committee of Entrepreneurs
(C). Multinational organisation
(D). Entrepreneur arm of the Commerce Ministry
11- Prime Minister of Trinidad & Tobago visited India from 5 January 2012 to 14 January 2012. Who among the following is the Prime Minister of Trinidad & Tobago?
(A). Kamla Persad Bissessar
(B). Hosni Mubarak
(C). Manmohan Singh
(D). Naresh Goyal
12- The fifth edition of the World Future Energy summit began in__.
(A). Abu Dhabi
(B). New Delhi
(C). Tehran
(D). Dhaka
13- Memogate scandal is related to which one of the following countries?
(A). Pakistan
(B). Sri Lanka
(C). China
(D). India
14- Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan and International Asociation of Sanskrit Studies jointly organised the 15th World Sanskrit conference from 5 to 10 January 2012 at Vigyan Bhavan in New Delhi. Where was the 14th World Sanskrit conference held?
(A). Kyoto, Japan
(B). Beijing, China
(C). Colombo, Sri Lanka
(D). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
15- Identify this politicial with the help of the following clues.
1-. Leader of the Sandinista movement which overthrew the US-backed Somoza dictatorship in 1979
2-. After the Nicaraguan Revolution resulted in the overthrow and exile of the Somoza's government in 1979, he became a member of the ruling multipartisan Junta of National Reconstruction.
3-. He was elected as the 83rd Nicaraguan president in 2006. He had previously served as the 79th President, between 1985 and 1990.
4-. He made alliances with fellow Latin American socialists and signed Nicaragua up to the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas.
(A). Enrique Bolanos
(B). Arnoldo Aleman
(C). Daniel Ortega
(D). Hugo Chavez
16- People’s national party recently won Parliamentary elections in Jamaica. What is the capital of Jamaica?
(A). New Delhi
(B). Kingston
(C). Paris
(D). London
17- India and Pakistan concluded their sixth round of talks in__ on 27 December 2011.
(A). Islamabad
(B). New Delhi
(C). London
(D). Paris
18- USA and Saudi Arabia inked an agreement worth__ US dollars.
(A). 29.4 billion
(B). 20 billion
(C). 25 billion
(D). 23 billion
19- India approved the acquisition of French advanced missile systems to arm the Mirage-2000 fighter jets. Consider the following statements:
i) The cabinet committee on Security cleared the contract for the fire and forget MICA with French company MBDA.
ii) MICA are interception and aerial combat missiles.
Choose the right option:
(A). Both i and ii are correct
(B). Only i is correct
(C). Only ii is correct
(D). Neither i nor ii is correct.
20- The Union government approved Katra-Quazigund Railway line project. The project is located in__.
(A). Jammu and Kashmir
(B). Bihar
(C). Punjab
(D). Haryana
21- India became free from bird flu,__.
(A). H5N1
(B). H4N1
(C). H5N2
(D). H3N3
22- Theatre director, screenplay writer and actor Satyadev Dubey, credited with introducing existential and absurd theatre, passed away on 25 December 2011. Which facts about the concerned person is/are not true?
1-. he got attracted to the post-1947 theatre and joined Theatre Unit, the theatre group-cum-school founded by Ebrahim Alkazi
2-. Dubey came into prominence with Dharamvir Bharati’s radio-play Andha Yug that brought to the fore the pervasive criminal and homicidal tendencies during the times of war.
3-. He penned screenplays/dialogue of some acclaimed films in the 1970s, including Shyam Benegal's Nishant, Ankur, Kalyug and Bhumika
4-. He won the Filmfare Award for Best Dialogue in 1980 for the film Ankur.
(A). Only 1
(B). Only 4
(C). Only 2 & 3
(D). Only 2
23- Identify the veteran politician and former Chief Minister of Karnataka with the help of the following clues.
1. He was the Chief Minister of Karnataka from 1990-92 and died on 26 December 2011
2. The three time Lok Sabha member represented Bellary constituency
3. He was on the national political stage as a Lok Sabha member for three terms in 1996, 1999 and 2003.
4. He was instrumental in holding the first Indian international film festival in Bengaluru in 1993
(A). H. D. Kumaraswamy
(B). J. H. Patel
(C). S. M. Krishna
(D). S.Bangarappa
24- India’s infant mortality rate (IMR) showed a 3 point decline, dropping to what number per 1,000 live births, as per government data released on 28 December 2011?
(A). 43
(B). 55
(C). 47
(D). 50
25- Maharashtra government planned to provide free medicare for poor families. Consider the following statements:
i) The plan will benefit 50 lakh families.
ii) The plan will cover eight districts in state.
Choose the right option:
(A). Both i and ii are correct
(B). Only i is correct
(C). Only ii is correct
(D). Neither i nor ii is correct
26- Lok Sabha on 27 December 2011 passed the Lokpal and Lokayukta bill, 2011. Consider the following statements:
i) The setting up of Lokayuktas by the states would not be mandatory.
ii) The constitutional amendment bill fell through.
Choose the right option:
(A). Both i and ii are correct
(B). Only i is correct
(C). Only ii is correct
(D). Neither i nor ii is correct
27- Scientists for the first time produced mixed embryo monkeys. Consider the following statements:
i) Scientists produced monkeys composed of cells taken from separate embryos.
ii) The cells stay together and work together to form tissues and organs.
Choose the right option:
(A). Both i and ii are correct
(B). Only i is correct
(C). Only ii is correct
(D). Neither i nor ii is correct
28- Scientists discovered unknown species off the coast of Antarctica. Consider the following statements:
i) The temperature in this region rises to 380 degree Celsius.
ii) There is plenty of light in this region. Which of the above statements is/ are correct?
(A). Only i
(B). Only ii
(C). Both i and ii
(D). Neither i nor ii
29- The world’s first hybrid sharks was discovered by the researchers in Australian waters. The hybrid shark is the result of cross-breeding between which one of the following set of shark species?
(A). Common black tip Shark and Australian black-tip shark
(B). Indian black-tip Shark and Australian black-tip Shark
(C). Blue Whale and Common black-tip Shark
(D). Blue Whale and Australian black-tip Shark
30- Scientists produced artificial human semen to help infertile men. Consider the following statements:
i) The scientists grew the sperm by enveloping the germ cells in a special compound called agar jelly.
ii) The artificial human semen could help infertile men father their own children.
Choose the right option:
(A). Both i and ii are correct
(B). Only i is correct
(C). Only ii is correct
(D). Neither i nor ii is correct
31- Health Authorities in Australia recently detected Deadly Disease, Murray Valley Encephalitis. The disease is caused by the__.
(A). Flies
(B). Mosquitoes
(C). Birds
(D). Dogs
32- Scientists identified a new gene in maize plants called__.
(A). Meg1
(B). Meg2
(C). Meg3
(D). Meg4
33- Researchers discovered new earthworm species in Port Blair. What is the name of the new species?
(A). Moniligaster ivaniosi
(B). Annelida
(C). Nematoda
(D). Onychophora
34- Scientists recently developed a new wireless device to detect the presence of termites. Consider the following statements:
i) when the new device detects the presence of termites, it sends an SMS or email to a pest control firm.
ii) The device is made of a tiny sensor, even smaller than a fingernail.
Choose the right option:
(A). Both i and ii are correct
(B). Only i is correct
(C). Only ii is correct
(D). Neither i nor ii is correct
35- The scientists claimed that the Meteorite, which fell in Morocco in July 2011, was from Mars. The event happened for the first time in__ years.
(A). 50
(B). 100
(C). 200
(D). 150
36- Scientists found the Extinct Monkey, the Miller’s Grizzled Langur in the forests of___.
(A). Indonesia
(B). Malaysia
(C). India
(D). Africa
37- According to the draft sports policy of this state Government released on 11 January 2012, a special life-time achievement award, in memory of G.V. Raja, the founder-president of the State Sports Council is to be instituted. Which State is being referred to?
(A). Karnataka
(B). Kerala
(C). Tamil Nadu
(D). Andhra Pradesh
38- Which team defeated Uttarakhand 25-22, 25-22, 25-13 in the men’s category to win the National title for the fourth time, in the 60th senior National volleyball championship, at the Balbir Juneja Indoor Stadium, Raipur on 11 January 2012?
(A). Kerala
(B). Andhra Pradesh
(C). West Bengal
(D). Tamil Nadu
39- Which team extended their hegemony by defeating Kerala 25-12, 25-14, 25-16 in a one-sided final in the women’s category at the 60th senior National volleyball championship?
(A). Punjab
(B). Services
(C). Railways
(D). Delhi
40- This footballer was awarded the 2011 FIFA Ballon d'Or on 9 january 2012 in Zurich. He won the award for the third consecutive year for the world's outstanding footballer. Identify the footballer.
(A). Cristiano Ronaldo
(B). Xavi
(C). Sergio Ramos
(D). Lionel Messi
41- Name the Cyclone, which hit the coast of Chennai and south-eastern coastal areas.
(A). Thane
(B). Nargis
(C). Rita
(D). Katrina
42- Name the gene, which controls memory in human brain.
(A). Npas4
(B). Npas3
(C). Mpas4
(D). Npas2
43- WGEEP designated entire Western Ghats as an ecologically sensitive area. What is the full form of WGEEP?
(A). Western Ghats expert panel
(B). Western Ghats environmental panel
(C). Western Ghats environmental expert panel
(D). Western Ghats ecology expert panel
44- China launched a High-Speed Bullet Train in Quingdao, Shandong. Consider the following statements:
i) Its speed can reach up to 500 kilometres per hour.
ii) The train was launched by China’s largest rail vehicle maker, CSR Corp. Ltd.
Choose the right option:
(A). Both i and ii are correct.
(B). Only i is correct.
(C). Only ii is correct.
(D). Neither i nor ii is correct.
45- Scientists discovered a Way to Transform Ordinary Tissue into Heart Muscle Cells. Consider the following statements:
i) It could pave the way for new therapeutic approaches for making a damaged heart to repair itself.
ii) Scientists used a zebrafish system to develop a small and robust molecule, which can transform stem cells into beating heart muscle cells.
Choose the right option:
(A). Both i and ii are correct.
(B). Only i is correct.
(C). Only ii is correct.
(D). Neither i nor ii is correct.
46- Scientists for the first time produced mixed embryo monkeys. Consider the following statements:
i) Scientists produced monkeys composed of cells taken from separate embryos.
ii) The cells stay together and work together to form tissues and organs.
Choose the right option:
(A). Both i and ii are correct.
(B). Only i is correct.
(C). Only ii is correct.
(D). Neither i nor ii is correct.
47- Scientists discovered unknown species off the coast of Antarctica. Consider the following statements:
i) The temperature in this region rises to 380 degree Celsius.
ii) There is plenty of light in this region.
Which of the above statements is/ are correct?
(A). Only i
(B). Only ii
(C). Both i and ii
(D). Neither i nor ii
48- The world’s first hybrid sharks was discovered by the researchers in Australian waters. The hybrid shark is the result of cross-breeding between which one of the following set of shark species?
(A). Common black tip Shark and Australian black-tip shark
(B). Indian black-tip Shark and Australian black-tip Shark
(C). Blue Whale and Common black-tip Shark
(D). Blue Whale and Australian black-tip Shark
49- Scientists produced artificial human semen to help infertile men. Consider the following statements:
i) The scientists grew the sperm by enveloping the germ cells in a special compound called agar jelly.
ii) The artificial human semen could help infertile men father their own children.
Choose the right option:
(A). Both i and ii are correct.
(B). Only i is correct.
(C). Only ii is correct.
(D). Neither i nor ii is correct.
50- Scientists identified a new gene in maize plants called__.
(A). Meg1
(B). Meg2
(C). Meg3
(D). Meg4
51- Researchers discovered new earthworm species in Port Blair. What is the name of the new species?
(A). Moniligaster ivaniosi
(B). Annelida
(C). Nematoda
(D). Onychophora
52- The scientists claimed that the Meteorite, which fell in Morocco in July 2011, was from Mars. The event happened for the first time in__ years.
(A). 50
(B). 100
(C). 200
(D). 150
53- Scientists found the Extinct Monkey, the Miller’s Grizzled Langur in the forests of___.
(A). Indonesia
(B). Malaysia
(C). India
(D). Africa
54- Name the Mumbai skipper who on 22 December 2011 overtook former teammate as the highest run-getter in Ranji Trophy by scoring a total of 8242 runs.
(A). Wasim Jaffer
(B). Amol Muzumdar
(C). Amarjeet Kaypee
(D). Pankaj Dharmani
55- Who won his first Men’s Singles title of 2011 at the 2011 $120,000 Syed Modi India Open Grand Prix Gold badminton championship?
(A). Sourabh Verma
(B). Taufik Hidayat
(C). Anup Sridhar
(D). Hendra Setiawan
56- Which team won both the men's & women’s title in the 10th All-India Invitational volleyball tournament for the Vajpayee Cup?
(A). Andhra Pradesh
(B). Punjab
(C). Kerala
(D). Southern Railway
57- Identify the Indian footballer with the help of the following clues.
1-. This Indian football team defender announced his retirement from international football on 26 December 2011
2-. He captained the Indian team in one match (against Malaysia) in November 2011
3-. He had scored one goal against Bhutan in SAFF Cup in 2005
4-. He was part of the Indian teams which won SAFF Cup (2005), Nehru Cup (2007 and 2009), AFC Challenge Cup (2008) apart from the recent SAFF championship
(A). Arnab Mondal
(B). Gurwinder Singh
(C). Anas Edathodika
(D). Mahesh Gawli
58- The Indian team finished at the fourth position in the World Women's Team Chess Championship at Mardin,Turkey on 27 December 2011. Which team won gold and emerged at the top in the competition?
(A). Ukraine
(B). Russia
(C). China
(D). Greece
59- Health Authorities in Australia recently detected Deadly Disease, Murray Valley Encephalitis. The disease is caused by the__.
(A). Flies
(B). Mosquitoes
(C). Birds
(D). Dogs
60- Scientists recently developed a new wireless device to detect the presence of termites. Consider the following statements:
i) when the new device detects the presence of termites, it sends an SMS or email to a pest control firm.
ii) The device is made of a tiny sensor, even smaller than a fingernail.
Choose the right option:
(A). Both i and ii are correct.
(B). Only i is correct.
(C). Only ii is correct.
(D). Neither i nor ii is correct.
61- Who has been named male player of the year by Golf writers Association of America?
(A). Luke Donald
(B). Tiger Woods
(C). Jyoti Randhawa
(D). Arnold Palmer
62- Recently Iran has threatened to close which among the following important sea channels?
(A). Duncan Passage
(B). Persian Gulf
(C). Gulf of Oman
(D). Strait of Hormuz
63- “Right to service” is an important part of which among the following bills / act?
(A). Lokpal & Lokayukta Bill
(B). Citizen's Charter and Grievance Redressal Bill
(C). Right to Information Act
(D). None of them
64- Which among the following cities of Russia was recently in news where some prosecutors are trying to ban the Russian translation of the Bhagavad Gita, an important Hindu scripture?
(A). Tomsk
(B). Omsk
(C). Krasnoyarsk
(D). Kemerovo
65- Which among the following Credit Rating Agency has upgraded the credit rating of the Indian government’s bonds from the speculative to investment grade?
(A). Standard & Poors
(B). Moodys
(C). Fitch
66- Headquarters of which among the following are located in Moscow?
(A). Collective Security Treaty Organization CSTO
(B). Southeast Asia Treaty Organization SEATO
(C). Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)
(D). None of them
67- The Government is planning to run a WIFS programme for which among the following?
(A). 100% Financial Inclusion
(B). Public Health
(C). Fiscal Management
(D). Rural Development
68- Who among the following has recently resigned as vice-president of the national body, Indian Weightlifting Federation (IWLF) citing unconstitutional functioning of the body as the reason for the resignation?
(A). Kunjarani Devi
(B). Karnam Malleswari
(C). Dandamudi Rajagopal
(D). Geeta Rani
69- The Time magazine’s person of the year is a person who is ___?
(A). Netizen
(B). Voter
(C). Protester
(D). Blogger
70- Which country won the SAFF( South Asian Football Federation) Cup 2011?
(A). India
(B). Afghanistan
(C). Sri Lanka
(D). Pakistan
71- Lovejoy, which recently passed approximately 140,000 kilometers above the Sun’s surface and survived was a __?
(A). Sun Probe
(B). Comet
(C). Asteroid
(D). None of them
72- The provisions of the Income Tax Act make it obligatory for every individual, self-employed professional, businessman and corporate to pay Advance Tax, If the tax paid amount is more than ___?
(A). Rs. 5,000
(B). Rs. 10,000
(C). Rs. 20,000
(D). Rs. 50,000
73- Heritage power project Sonapani mini-hydel power project is located in which state?
(A). Meghalaya
(B). Mizoram
(C). Arunachal Pradesh
(D). Nagaland
74- Ezhuthachan Puraskaram is the highest literary award of which among the following Governments?
(A). Kerala
(B). Karnataka
(C). Tamil Nadu
(D). Andhra Pradesh
75- Central Employment Guarantee Council overlooks the progress of which among the following scheme?
(B). Food for Works Programme
(C). National Rural Livelihood Mission
(D). All of them
76- Symantec is the maker of which among the following popular antivirus software?
(A). Norton
(B). BitDefender
(C). McAfee VirusScan
(D). Avast!
77- Youngest ever Microsoft Certified Professional who died recently at the age of 16 ?
(A). Arfa Karim Randhawa
(B). Hina Khar
(C). Veena Malik
(D). Shaheeda begum
78- Where National Kannada conference is is set to be held in the month of April?
(A). Delhi
(B). Bangalore
(C). Chennai
(D). Mumbai
79- Who won Grand slam title in men’s Australian Open 2012?
(A). Djokovic
(B). Federer
(C). Nadal
(D). Murray
80- Who won the Ranji Trophy 2011-12?
(A). Rajasthan
(B). Himachal Pradesh
(C). Karnataka
(D). Maharashtra
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