Professional Knowledge
1. One of the following is not included in the 7 P’s of Marketing. Find the same_____________
(A). Placement
(B). Price
(C). Production
(D). Promotion
(E). Product
Ans. (C). Production
2. Analysis of marketing problem helps in ______________
(A). Evaluating marketing opportunities
(B). Reducing marketing staff
(C). Reducing profits
(D). Good communication
(E). Motivation
Ans. (A). Evaluation Marketing Opportunities
3. Innovation is marketing is same as _________________
(A). Motivation
(B). Perspiration
(C). Aspiration
(D). Creativity
(E). Team work
Ans. (D). Creativity
4.Market Segmentation is required for _________________
(A). preferential market
(B). OTC Marketing
(C). Internal Marketing
(D). Identifying sales persons
(E). Identifying prospects
Ans. (E). Identifying prospects
5. Bank ATMs are__________________
(A). Delivery outlets
(B). market plans
(C). Personalized Products
(D). Tools for overcoming buyers resistance
(E). Motivating tools
Ans. (C). Personalized Products
6. Internet Banking helps in __________________
(A). door-to-door canvasing
(B). Making more number of cold calls
(C). Easy access to customer transections
(D). Market Survey
(E).Market research
Ans. (C). Easy access to customer transections
7.Cross-selling means ________________
(A). selling by a cross-section of people
(B). selling to HNIs
(C). selling to a cross-section of people
(D).Selling to NRIs
(E).Selling other products to existing customers
Ans. (E).Selling other products to existing customers
8.The USP of current account is _______________
(A). High minimum balance
(B). no restrictions on transactions
(C). no internet payable
(D). restricted deposits
(E). Easy credits
Ans. (B). no restrictions on transactions
9. The USP of a car loan is_________________
(A). High rate of interest
(B).Easy EMIs
(C).Lump-sum loans
(D).Available only to doctors
(E). available only to businessmen
Ans. (B).Easy EMIs
10.Leads for home loans can be obtained from______________
(A). cooperative societies
(B). Existing borrows
(C). builders
(D). builders
e .Traders
Ans. (C). builders
11. Leads for industrial loans can be obtained from______________
(A). Reserve bank of India
(B). District industrial centers
(C). colleges
(D). Export houses
(E). Trade centers
Ans. (B). District industrial centers
12. SME Means____________
(A). Selling and Marketing Establishment
(B). Selling and managing employees
(C). Sales and Marketing entity
(D). small and medium enterprises
(E).small and micro entities
Ans. (C). Sales and Marketing entity
13.The target group for SME Loan is _______________
(A).All salaried persons
(B). government undertakings
(C). all entrepreneurs
(D). all students
(E). all housewives
Ans. (C). all entrepreneurs
14.Leads for tractor loans can be availed from_______________
(A). farm laborers
(B). Authorized dealers of tractors and farm equipment’s
(C). Bullock cart owners
(D). Marginal land owners
(E). RTA Officers
Ans. (B). Authorized dealers of tractors and farm equipment’s
15. Customization result in ________________
(A). Customer exodus
(B). Customer retention
(C). Customer complaints
(D). Training of staff
(E). varying the interest rates
Ans. (B). Customer retention
16.Find the correct sentence__________
(A).Higher the price, higher are the sales
(B).More number of sales pesons leads to more sales
(C). mission statement is part of market plan
(D). better sales incentives means better performance
(E). all customers are profitable customers
Ans. (C). mission statement is part of market plan
17. Banc assurance can be sold to ____________
(A).all banks
(B). all insurance companies
(C). insurance agents
(D). all existing and prospective bank customers
(E). stock brokers
Ans. (D). all existing and prospective bank customers
18. The target group for bulk deposits is _____________
(A). salaried persons
(B). small traders
(C). corporate MNCs
(D). Housewives
(E). Minor children
Ans. (C). corporate MNCs
19. Debit cards can be best sold to_____________
(A). Existing customers
(B). school children’s
(C). trusts
(D). waqf board
e .Educations institutes
Ans. (A). Existing customers
20.A low EMI indicates___________
(A). high loan burden
(B). long repayment period
(C). cheap loans
(D). costly loans
(E). very short repayment period
Ans. (C). cheap loans
21. EMI can be marketing tool when________________
(A). EMI is very low
(B). EMI is very high
(C). EMI is fluctuating
(D). EMI is constant
(E). EMI is ballooning
Ans. (A). EMI is very low
22. Advertisements are necessary for ______________
(A). only old products
(B). launching new products
(C). only costly products
(D). only obsolete products
(E). advertisements are wasteful expenses
Ans. (B). launching new products
23. Publicity is required for ____________________
(A). Generating more number of leads
(B). better training of sales persons
(C). market survey
(D). Product designing
(E). OTC Marketing
Ans. (A). Generating more number of leads
24. NAV is the price of __________________
(A). Entire fund value
(B). one unit of a fund
(C). surrender value
(D). average value of shares
(E). dividends paid in a year
Ans. (B). one unit of a fund
25.A Master policy in the case of Life insurance indicates___________________
(A). policy is sale
(B). policy is in the name of servant
(C). only one life is assured
(D). there are several beneficiaries
(E). life assured should be a male
Ans. (D). there are several beneficiaries
26. Customer database is useful for ________
(A). advertisements
(B). word-of-mouth publicity
(C). CRM Functions
(D). PR functions
(E). Sales persons training
Ans. (C). CRM Functions
27. CRM(Customer Relationship Management) is ______________
(A). A pre-sales activity
(B). A tool for lead generation
(C). an ongoing daily activity
(D). the task of a DSA
(E). back office duty
Ans. (B). A tool for lead generation
28. Find the incorrect answer_________________
(A). cross-selling is an expensive way of marketing
(B). market segmentation can boost lead generations
(C). customer lifetime value is a marketing tool
(D). surrogate marketing is a type of viral marketing
(E). internet banking can replace ATMs
Ans. (E). internet banking can replace ATMs
29. Financial inclusion needs canvassing the accounts of ______________
(A). Financial Institutions
(B). NRIs
(C). HNIs
(D). Housewives
(E). Persons below a specified income level
Ans. (E). Persons below a specified income level
30. Effective retail banking presupposes____________
(A). Large Premises
(B). Huge kiosks
(C). big sales force
(D). coordination between marketing and front office staff
(E). More products
Ans. (D). coordination between marketing and front office staff
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