1. How much amount has been allocated to 10 states for Rainfed Area Development Programme (RADP) during 2011-12?
a) Rs 180 crore
b) Rs 200 crore
c) Rs 220 crore
d) Rs 250 crore
e) None of the above
2. The Government of India has announced a National Manufacturing Policy with
the objective of enhancing the share of manufacturing in GDP to ________.
a) 20%
b) 25%
c) 27%
d) 30%
e) None of the above
3. At end-September 2011, India’s external debt stock was ________.
a) US$ 296.8 billion
b) US$ 306.4 billion
c) US$ 326.6 billion
d) US$ 334.8 billion
e) None of the above
4. Memogate scandal which exposed the deep fissures between the civilian
government and the powerful army took place in which of the following countries?
a) Pakistan
b) Nepal
c) Egypt
d) Libya
e) Tunisia
5. Which among the following countries has emerged as the second largest defence
supplier to India after Russia?
a) USA
b) France
c) Britain
d) Singapore
e) Israel
6. NASA’s GRAIL mission will help scientists refine our theories for
a) how the Jupiter formed
b) how the Sun formed
c) how the Marsh formed
d) how the Moon, Earth and other rocky planets evolved.
e) None of the above
7. According to a report titled ‘World Livestock 2011′ published by FAO in December
2011, meat consumption is projected to rise nearly __________by 2050.
a) 45 percent
b) 50 percent
c) 73 percent
d) 65 percent
e) None of the above
8. Which of the following countries government has decided to close down all luxury
spas, health centres and massage parlours in the country after the opposition
parties describing them as un-Islamic activities?
a) Iraq
b) Iran
c) Qatar
d) Kuwait
e) Maldives
9. The United Nations General Assembly declared the year 2012 as:
a) The International Year of Mathematics
b) The International Year of Biodiversity
c) The International Year of Forests
d) The International Year of Cooperatives
e) None of these
10. Which among the following countries has been elected as Chairman of
International Sugar Council?
a) India
b) Brazil
c) China
d) Thialand
e) Mexico
11. According to a report released by Economist Intelligence Unit, USA which of the
following countries has the tightest security controls among nations with nuclear
material, the world’s most destructive weapons?
a) France
b) Australia
c) Germany
d) USA
e) China
12. Which of the following countries is NOT an official member of Gulf Cooperation
Council (GCC)?
a) Oman
b) Kuwait
c) Yemen
d) Qatar
e) Bahrain
13. The Government has given in principle approval for establishing the Spice Park
at which of the following locations?
a) Kota (Rajasthan)
b) Surat (Gujarat)
c) Cochin (Kerala)
d) Kovai (Tamilnadu)
e) None of the above
14. 125th birth anniversary of mathematical genius Srinivasa Ramanujan has recently
been declared as ‘National Mathematics Day’ by Prime Minister Manmohan
Singh. National Mathematics Day will be celebrated every year on__________.
a) 20 December
b) 22 December
c) 27 November
d) 23 November
e) None of the above
15. According to a statement announced on December 29, 2011 by The Central
Government, India became free of which of the following disease?
b) Swine flu
c) Bird flu
d) Poliomyelitis
e) None of the above
16. On 26 December, 2011, the Government of India (GOI) extended the import
prohibition on milk and milk products from ________ for a period of six months.
a) Canada
b) Japan
c) Italy
d) USA
e) China
17. Recently, The Ministry of Shipping has awarded ISO certification to which of
the following ports in India?
a) Mangalore Port
b) Tuticorin Port
c) Marmugao Port
d) Jawaharlal Nehru Port
e) None of the above
18. Which of the following is name of first car launched by Bajaj Auto, India’s leading
two-wheeler manufacturer?
a) RE 40
b) RE 50
c) RE 60
d) RE 80
e) None of the above
19. The visible surface of the Sun is called :
a) Photosphere
b) Ionosphere
c) Stratosphere
d) Cyanosphere
e) None of the above
20. Presently, Service tax for a month can be paid to the government by the _____of
next month.
a) fifth
b) sixth
c) tenth
d) fifth or sixth
e) first or second
21. According to the new Lokpal Bill introduced in the Lok Sabha by UPA government
on 27th December, all NGOs that receive annual grants of more than ______ under
the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act, 2010 will be under the Lokpal.
a) Rs 10 Lakhs
b) Rs 15 Lakhs
c) Rs 20 Lakhs
d) Rs 25 Lakhs
e) None of the above
22. India presently meets how much percent of its oil needs through imports?
a) 70%
b) 79%
c) 85%
d) 90%
e) None of the above
23. According to the latest data available with the RBI as on November 11, 2011, the
total gold holding with the Reserve Bank is estimated at________.
a) 525.6 tonnes
b) 476.8 tonnes
c) 557.7 tonnes
d) 487.2 tonnes
e) None of the above
24. How much lengths of roads have been given by NHAI so far (November 2011), as
opposed to the financial year 2012 target of 7,300 km?
a) 4500 km
b) 4300 km
c) 4650 km
d) 4200 km
e) None of the above
25. India and Bulgaria on 28th November signed a Memorandum of Understanding
(MoU) on
a) Local Governance
b) Health & Medicines
c) Financial Dialogue
d) Information and Communication Technology
e) None of the above
26. In which of the following States, CBI has recently registered a case against 20
policemen in Ishrat Jahan encounter case?
a) Karanatka
b) Rajasthan
c) Maharashtra
d) Uttar Pradesh
e) Gujarat
27. Who among the following persons has won the prestigious Unesco Kalinga Prize
for the year 2011?
a) Oliver Williamson
b) Margaret Mead
c) Drucker Colin
d) Trinh Xuan Thuan
e) Elinor Ostrom
28. Recently, the state-owned oil companies reduce ATF price by 1.3% to ease
the burden on the cash-strapped airlines. What is the exapansion of ATF in the
same context.
a) Aviation Turbine Fuel
b) Alcoholic Turbine Fuel
c) Aeroplane Turbine Fuel
d) Aircraft Turbine Fuel
e) None of the above
29. Which movie was adjudged Best Children’s Feature Film in Hindi at the 17th
International Children’s Film Festival concluded on 16-17 Nov 2011 in Hyderabad?
a) Gattu
b) I Am Kalam
c) Chillar Party
d) Stanley Ka Dabba
e) Bumm Bumm Bole
30. Which of the following days is designated as International Anti-Corruption Day
by the United Nations?
a) 5 December
b) 7 December
c) 8 December
d) 9 December
e) None of the above
31. Seyisa Lilesa, who won the seventh edition of the Delhi Half Marathon in men’s
elite section is an athlete from
a) Kenya
b) Sudan
c) Somalia
d) Ghana
e) Ethiopia
32. The world’s deepest metro station ‘Admiralteiskaya’, which lies over 100 m below
the surface has recently opened in which of the following countries?
a) China
b) Russia
c) USA
d) India
e) Japan
33. India won 2nd World Cup Kabaddi Championship on 20th November 2011 by
a) Pakistan
b) Australia
c) Kazakhstan
d) Canada
e) Turkmenistan
34. Skoda, which launched its mid-sized car ‘Sedan Rapid’ in India on 14 November,
is an automobile manufacturer based in the
a) Czech Republic
b) Japan
c) France
d) South Korea
e) None of the above
35. Which of the following statements about Central Government’s job guarantee
scheme MGNREGA is correct?
1. Men and women are paid the same wages
2. Only the adults under BPL can apply for employment
3. It provides a legal guarantee for 100 days of employment in every financial year
4. Extra living allowance are paid, if employment is not provided within the radius of 5km
a) 1, 2 and 4 b) 2, 3 and 4
c) 1, 3 and 4 d) 1, 2 and 3
e) All 1, 2, 3 & 4
36. Which among the following non governmental organizations (NGO) is founded by
social activist Arvind Kejriwal?
a) Aawaaz
b) Navjyoti
c) Parivartan
d) Aap aur Hum
e) India Vision Foundation
37. Avian flu is also known as
a) Swine flu
b) Bird flu
c) Eye flu
d) Dengue fever
e) None of the above
38. Pig flu is caused by
a) H1N1 virus
b) H5N1 virus
c) H3N1 virus
d) H5N2 virus
e) None of the above
39. As per the standard practice, India’s external debt statistics are released by
a) Ministry of External Affairs
b) Reserve Bank of India
c) Ministry of Finance
d) Both (b) & (c)
e) All (a), (b) & (c)
40. The general budget is usually presented on the last day of _________ every year.
a) January
b) February
c) March
d) April
e) None of the above
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