Now It's time for IBPS Clerk Common Interview 2013 which is scheduled to start from 16th March 2013. All of you must be compiling your documents to carry & some must be confused what all documents to carry for interview. In this post, we have complied up the list of documents to carry at the time of attending interview.
- Interview Call Letter by IBPS (download your interview call letter from here) with photograph pasted in the space provided.
- Proof of Identity- Original & some copies of photo identity proof. Valid photo Id proof includes any of the following- PAN card,Voter`s ID, Passport, Driving license, Bank passbook with photograph, Aadhar card with photo, Photo id issued by a gazetted officer, Employee ID or College ID card.
- Proof of Date of Birth- Date of Birth proof includes any of the following: Your birth certificate, Xth class passing certificate.
- Marks sheet for all Semesters/years, Consolidated Marks Sheet, Provisional/ Final Degree Certificate regarding graduation.
- Computer Knowledge certificate (if any)
- Caste certificate (as per format)- Click the following to download: -For SC/ST Candidates
-For OBC Candidates
-For Disabled candidates
- Character Certificate: Two Character Certificates (as per format) download from here the Format of Character Certificate (not compulsory but carry for your sake) You can get this from any Gazetted Employee like School Head Masters. Seal and Signature of the person issuing character certificate is must. Without Seal, they wont accept it. Also you can get it from any govt employee who have seal along with signature. Seal is important for them.
- Photo-state Copies of all your Certificates with self attestation
- In case of candidates already/ previously employed: You have to bring work experience certificate if you are previously employed. If you are presently working whether it is a Private of Govt job, you must bring NOC for interview.
- Reprint of application. Click here to Re-print your application.
- No need of the print out of Score Card (better to take, but they are not asking for this)
Forget your password for IBPS?- Click here to retrieve it.
Also, Reach on time: Reach the venue before 30 mins of scheduled time. Plan your travel in advance taking into account the traffic, mode of transportation, distance etc.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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are semester-wise certificates compulsory?