Bank of Baroda (BoB) is the highest profit-making PSU bank in India and the third largest PSU bank in terms of number of total business in India. It is also the country’s second largest public sector lender in terms of annual profit. BoB is ranked 715 in Forbes Global 2000 list. BoB has total assets in excess of Rs. 3.58 crores, or Rs. 3,583 billion, a network of 4007 branches (out of which 3914 branches are in India) and offices, and over 2000 ATMs.
The Bank has shortlisted candidates for interview for MMG Scale- II officers -Risk Management & Treasury Manager (SPECIALIST OFFICERS)
View from here the list of candidates shortlisted for the post of:
a) Treasury Manager
b) Risk Management
Interview Schedule:
A) For Treasury Manager Post:-
Date of Interview: 11-04-2013
Venue of Interview: Bank of Baroda, Baroda Corporate Centre, C-26, G-Block,Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra(East), Mumbai 400 051.
The Bank has shortlisted 49 candidates for interview against the 10 posts advertised.
B) For Risk Management post:-
Date of Interview: 08-04-2013
Venue of Interview: Bank of Baroda, Baroda Corporate Centre, C-26, G-Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra(East), Mumbai 400 051.
The Bank has shortlisted 11 candidates for interview against the 5 posts advertised.
View from here detailed post about the recruitment drive.
We wish all the candidates good luck for interviews. Prepare well.
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