Sitting arrangement
Directions (1-5): study the following information to answer the given questions.
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circular table facing the centre. No Two males (or) two females are immediate neighbors of each other.
A is wife of H. A sits third to the left of E. F sits second to the right of D. D is not an immediate neighbor of A or E. H and C are immediate neighbor of each other. F is not an immediate neighbor of his Wife B.
1. Which of the following is true about G?
1) G is male
2) G sits exactly between Fand H
3) G sits third to the left of E
4) G sits second to the right of B
5) none.
2. Who sits third to the left of B?
1) F
2) H
3) D
4) A
5) None.
3. How many people sit between B and F when counted in anti-clockwise direction from B?
1) One
2) Two
3) Three
4) Four
5) More than four.
4. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
1) H
2) F
3) E
4) G
5) D
5. Which of the following groups consists of only female members of the group?
1) A,B,B
2) G,F,C
3) C,H,G
4) D,H,C
5) None.
Directions (6-10): A, M, D, P, R, T, B and H are sitting around a circle facing at the centre. M is third to the left of A who is second to the left of T. D is second to the right of H who is second to the right of T. R is second to the right of B. who is not an immediate neighbor of T.
6. Which of the following combina-tions represents the First and the Second to the left of B respectively?
1) MD
2) DH
3) AM
4) AR
5) None
7. Who is to be right of T?
1) D
2) B
3) H
4) M
5) None
8. Who is the immediate left of H?
1) P
2) M
3) T
4) R
5) Data inadequate
9. Who is second to the left of B?
1) D
2) H
3) M
4) Data inadequate
5) None
10. In which of the following combinations the third person is second to the left of the second person?
1) BAR
2) DBR
3) TPH
4) PMH
5) None.
Directions (11-15): Eight Friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circle facing the centre. E is to the third to the left of G who is to the immediate right of B who is third to the left of A. H is second to the right of F who is not an immediate neighbor of E. D is not an immediate neighbor of B.
11. Who is second to the right of B?
1) F
2) A
3) H
4) D
5) None.
12. Which of the following pairs has the first person to the immediate left of second person?
1) GB
2) AF
3) CE
4) HD
5) None.
13. Which of the following is the correct position of B with respect to D?
1) Second to the right
2) second to the left
3) Third to the right
4) Third to the left
5) None.
14. Who sit between A and D?
1) F
2) E
3) G
4) B
5) None.
15. What is E's position with respect to 'C'?
1) To the immediate right
2) To the immediate left
3) Second to the right
4) Cannot be determine
5) None
Directions (16-20): P, Q, R, S, T, V, and W are seven members of a family each one of them has a different profession. Doctor, Teacher, Lawyer, Engineer, Architect, Charted Accountant and Banker and their incomes are different. There are two married couples in the group. R is the Doctor and earns more than the Engineer and the Lawyer. T is married to the Charted Accountant and she earns the least. No lady is either Lawyer or Engineer. Q the Teacher earns less than P the banker. W is married to Q and he earns more than S and P. V is not the Lawyer. The charted Accountant earns less than Lawyer but more than the Banker.
16. Who earns the maximum in the family?
1) V
2) W
3) R
4) S
5) None.
17. Which of the following is a pair of married couple?
1) RT
2) VT
3) QT
4) ST
5) None.
18. What is P's position from the top when they are arranged in ascending order of their income?
1) Second
2) Fourth
3) Third
4) Sixth
5) None.
19. What is the profession of V?
1) Engineer
2) Charted Accountant
3) Both A& B
4) Data inadequate
5) None.
20. At least how many male members are there in the family?
1) Two
2) Three
3) Four
4) Five
5) None.
Directions (21-25): Read the follo-wing information and answer the given questions. (IBPS 15-03-2011)
Four boys, Pawan, Mahesh, Chandu and Ravi, and four girls, Eti, Seema, Hina and Anita are sitting around a circular table. Two girls and two boys are not facing the centre.
No three girls are sitting together. Chandu is second to the left of Seema, who is not sitting next to Mahesh. Eti is third to the left of Anita and one of them is not facing the centre. Pawan left of Anita and one of them is not facing the centre. Pawan is third to the right of Mahesh, who is facing the centre. Hina and Ravi are facing each other and both are not sitting next to Mahesh or Anita.
21. Who among the following is sitting between Mahesh and Ravi?
1) Pawan
2) Chandu
3) Hina
4) Anita
5) None.
22. How many boys are sitting between Seema and Eti?
1) Three
2) Two
3) One
4) can't be determine
5) None.
23. Who is sitting third to the left of Pawan?
1) Ravi
2) Mahesh
3) Hina
4) Eti
5) None.
24. Which of the following groups of four students are not facing the centre?
1) Chandu, Ravi, Seema, Pawan
2) Eti, Seema, Pawan, Ravi
3) Pawan, Seema, Eti, Chandu
4) Pawan, Chandu, Anita, Seema
5) None.
25. Who is sitting between Hina and Anita?
1) Eti
2) Pawan
3) Mahesh
4) Seema
5) None
Directions (26-30): Eight friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting in a circle not necessarily in the same order. Four of them are facing outside four of them facing the centre.
E faces outside. Both the immediate Neighbors of E face the centre.
H sits second to the right of E. B sits third to the left of E.
D faces the centre. Both the immediate Neighbors of D faces the out side.
G sits the second to the left of A. B sits third to the right of H.
F is an immediate Neighbor of D. C is an immediate neighbor of G.
26. Who amongst the following sits to the immediate right of H?
1) A
2) D
3) C
4) G
5) None.
27. Who amongst the following sits third to the right of A?
1) D
2) E
3) F
4) A
5) None.
28. If all the people are made to sit in Alphabetical order, in clockwise direction starting from A, the position of them whom amongst the following remains the same (Excluding A)?
1) E
2) F
3) C
4) G
5) None.
29. Who amongst the following sits exactly between F and C (and also their neighbor)?
1) E
2) B
3) G
4) A
5) None.
30. How many people are sitting between A and C (counting click wise from A)?
1) Two
2) Four
3) None
4) One
5) Three
Directions (31-35): A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are Eight friends Travelling in three different cars viz. X, Y and Z with at least two in one car to three different places, viz. Delhi, Chand-igarh and Agra .
There is at least one female member of each car. D is travelling with G to Delhi but not a car Y. A is travelling with only H in car Z but not to Chandigarh. C is not travelling with either D or E. F and D is studying in the same only girl's college. H, B and G are studying in the same only boys college.
31. Which of the following repres-ents the group of females among them?
1) F, C, A
2) F, G, A
3) D, C, A
4) Data inadequate
5) None.
32. Which of the following combin-ations is correct?
1) Delhi-X-C
2) Chandigarh-X-F
3) Agra-Z-E
4) Delhi-Y-E
5) None.
33. In which car are four of them travelling?
1) X or Z
2) Y
3) X or Y
4) Z
5) None.
34. In which of the following cars is 'C' Travelling?
1) X
2) Y
3) Z
4) either X or Y
5) None.
35. Passengers in which car are travelling to Chandigarh?
1) Y
2) X
3) Either X or Y
4) Data inadequate
5) None.
A, B, C, D, E and F are six boys each belonging to a different city, via Delhi, Agra, Kanpur, Lucknow, Pilibhit and Jaipur, not necessarily in the same order. Each of them got selected in a different bank, via Canara Bank, Syndicate Bank, UCO Bank, Vijaya Bank, Dena Bank and Central Bank, not necessarily in the same order. B belongs to Jaipur but did not get selected in either Dena Bank or Canara Bank.
D doesn't belong either to Delhi or to Lucknow but got selected in Syndicate Bank.
The one who got selected in Dena Bank doesn't belong to Jaipur. The one who got selected in Central Bank belongs to Lucknow. F did not get selected in Dena Bank. Either C or F got selected in UCO Bank but neither of them belongs to Pilibhit or Lucknow. A belongs to Kanpur and he got selected in either Canara Bank or UCO Bank. F doesn't belong to Delhi.
36. Who among the following belongs to Pilibhit?
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
5) Can't be determine
37. Who among the following got selected in Dena Bank?
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
5) Can't be determine
38. The one who got selected in Vijaya Bank belong to which of the following cities?
1) Delhi
2) Jaipur
3) Pilibhit
4) Agra
5) None.
39. The one who belongs to Agra got selected in which of the follo-wing banks?
1) UCO Bank 2) Dena Bank
3) Either UCO Bank or Dena Bank
4) Vijaya Bank
5) None
1) 4 2) 2 3) 2 4) 4 5) 5 6) 5 7) 4 8) 1 9) 3 10) 2 11) 1 12) 4 13) 3 14) 5 15) 2 16) 3 17) 4 18) 5 19) 1 20) 5 21) 2 22) 4 23) 1 24) 3 25) 2 26) 4 27) 3 28) 2 29) 2 30) 2 31) 4 32) 5 33) 5 34) 2 35) 1 36) 4 37) 3 38) 2 39) 1-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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