This is the set of 35 Marketing Aptitude MCQs based on Current Awareness, Banking & Marketing Awareness. These Quizzes are very useful for bank exams & all other competitive exams. so practice these quizzes for your batter preparation. Also share this website with your friends.
1. EMI can be marketing tool when
1) EMI is very low
2) EMI is very high
3) EMI is fluctuating
4) EMI is constant
5) EMI is ballooning
2. Advertisements are necessary for
1) only old products
2) launching new products
3) only costly products
4) only obsolete products
5) advertisements are wasteful expenses
3. Publicity is required for -
1) generating more number of leads
2) better training of sales persons
3) market survey
4) product designing
5) OTC Marketing
4. NAV is the price of
1) Entire fund value
2) one unit of a fund
3) surrender value
4) average value of shares
5) dividends paid in a year
5. A master policy in the case of Life insurance indicates
1) policy is sale
2) policy is in the name of servant
3) only one life is assured
4) there are several beneficiaries
5) life assured should be a male
6. Customer database is useful for -
1) advertisements
2) word-of-mouth publicity
3) CRM Functions
4) PR functions
5) sales persons training
7. CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is -
1) A pre-sales activity
2) A tool for lead generation
3) an ongoing daily activity
4) the task of a DSA
5) back office duty
8. Find the incorrect answer.
1) cross-selling is an expensive way of marketing
2) market segmentation can boost lead generations
3) customer lifetime value is a marketing tool
4) surrogate marketing is a type of viral marketing
5) internet banking can replace ATMs
9. Financial inclusion needs canvassing the accounts of
1) Financial Institutions
2) NRIs
3) HNIs
4) Housewives
5) Persons below a specified income level
10. Effective retail banking presupposes -
1) Large premises
2) Huge kiosks
3) big sales force
4) coordination between marketing and front office staff
5) More products
11. Which of the following is not included in the 7 P's of Marketing
1) Placement
2) Price
3) Production
4) Promotion
5) Product
12. Analysis of marketing problem helps in
1) Evaluating marketing opportunities
2) Reducing marketing staff
3) Reducing profits
4) Motivation
5) None of the above
13. Innovation in marketing is same as
1) Motivation
2) Perspiration
3) Aspiration
4) Creativity
5) Team work
14. Market Segmentation is required for
1) preferential market
2) OTC Marketing
3) Internal Marketing
4) Identifying sales persons
5) Identifying prospects
15. Bank ATMs are
1) Alternate Delivery channels
2) Market plans
3) Personalized Products
4) Tools for overcoming buyers resistance
5) Motivating tools
16. A DSA helps in ....
1) Boosting Direct Sales
2) Contacting Customers on Net
3) Indirect Marketing
4) Direct Telemarketing
5) None of these
17. Successful marketing aims at:
1) Increasing the sales volume
2) Increasing the profits
3) Increasing the outputs of the sales persons
4) All of these
5) None of these
18. Internet marketing means:
1) Marketing to oneself
2) Marketing to core self
3) Marketing to the employees
4) All of these
5) None of these
19. Delivery channel means....
1) Maternity wards
2) Handing over the products to the buyers
3) Place where products are made available to the buyers
4) All of these
5) None of these
20. Marketing Expansion means....
1) Hiring more staff
2) Firing more staff
3) Buying more products
4) Buying more companies
5) Growth in sales through existing and new products
21. Negotiation skills help in
1) Arriving at consensus
2) Breaking the ice
3) Carrying marketing further
4) Mutual win-win result of bargaining
5) All of these
22. What is Ad-Valorem Duties?
1) Duties determined as a certain percentage of prices of the product.
2) Advertisement costs
3) Selling price -cost price
4) Either 2 or 3
5) All the above
23. Expand ALCO:
1) Asset-Liability Management Committee
2) Asset Liability Company
3) All India Locomotives
4) Asset Liability Company Organisation
5) None of the above
24. What is Asset Liability Manager (ALM)?
1) Asset/ liability management involves a set of techniques to create value and manage risks in a bank.
2) To maintain profitable CD ratio
3) Liquidity maintenance of banks
4) Only 1 & 2
5) None of the above
25. Product design is a function:
1) Front office staff
2) Back office staff
3) Management
4) Marketing and Research Team
5) Loans department
26. What do you mean by Augmented brand?
1) Value addition to the customer services and benefits that are built around the core product or service offering
2) Combining with two or more company products
3) To increase the number of products
4) To increase the number of branches
5) None of the above
27. What are the elements of consumer behaviour?
1) Attitude of customer
2) Necessities of customer
3) Tentative problems
4) Benefits
5) All the above
28. Which of the following does not include in personal factors while purchasing a product?
1) Age
2) Standard of living
3) Self image
4) Nationality
5) All the above
29. Which of the following psychological factors does not influence consumer behaviour?
1) Perception
2) Self-esteem
3) Self-confidence
4) Income level
5) None of the above
30. Buying process involves the following process:
1) Identification of need
2) Priority of the need
3) Affordability
4) Type of market
5) Only 1, 2, 3
31. Motives of buying does not involve :
1) Satisfaction
2) Rest and recuperation
3) Social life
4) Consulting all users
5) Only 1, 2, 3
32. Today marketing is:
1) Product driven
2) Services driven
3) Improvement of bottom line (Profitability)
4) Cost conscious
5) Customer driven market
33. Ultimate decision of Consumer depends on:
1) Cost
2) Quality
3) Benefits
4) Guarantee and warranty
5) All the above
34. In marketing, attitude can best be described as a:
1) Erratic behaviour of sales person
2) Erratic behaviour of customer
3) Mental status of consumer
4) Behaviour of the company
5) None of the above
35. The level of satisfaction a consumer keeps towards a brand name is called:
1) Brand equity
2) Brand Name
3) Brand utility
4) Branch loyalty
5) All the above
1-1; 2-2; 3-1; 4-2; 5-4; 6-3; 7-2; 8-5; 9-5; 10-4;
11-1; 12-1; 13-4; 14-5; 15-1; 16-4; 17-4; 18-5; 19-3; 20-5;
21-5; 22-1; 23-1; 24-1; 25-4; 26-1; 27-4; 28-4; 29-4; 30-5;
31-4; 32-5; 33-5; 34-3; 35-4-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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