- Allahabad Bank
- Andhra Bank
- Bank of Baroda
- Bank of India
- Bank of Maharashtra
- Canara bank
- Central Bank of India
- Corporation Bank
- Dena Bank
- Indian Bank
- Indian Overseas Bank
- Oriental Bank of Commerce
- Punjab National Bank
- Punjab & Sind Bank
- Syndicate Bank
- Union Bank of India
- United Bank of India
- UCO Bank
- Vijaya Bank
IBPS CWE PO/MT-II eligibility criteria
Candidates should be a graduates in any discipline from a recognized university can apply. The candidate should have obtained the said qualification as on 01.01.2012. The age limit for IBPS PO/MT recruitment 2012 should be between 20 and 30 years as on 01.01.2012. However the upper age limit is relaxed by 5 years for SC/ST, 3 years for OBC (non creamy layer), 10 years for persons with disability and 5 years for Ex-Servicemen.
The above mentioned eligibility is general and basic criteria and applicable for all the above mentioned participating banks and you need to check for the corresponding banks for they have their own eligibility criteria.
IBPS CWE PO/MT-II syllabus, exam pattern and selection procedure
IBPS selection procedure, eliminates separate written examination for all the banks and if one can clear the bank CWE exam, this makes him to eligible for jobs in all the participating banks. The candidates who got qualified in IBPS CWE exam will get IBS CWE score card which is valid for one year. Let's suppose if a candidate clears IBPS CWE exam 2012, then the qualified candidates will be issued with CWE exam 2012 score card which remains valid till 2013.
IBPS CWE Score Card not only helps in recruitment for PO / MT jobs in this participating 19 banks, but also helps in getting jobs in financial institutions too. So if you want to make a career in banking sector or financial sector, IBPS CWE exam helps you in getting your dream job.
IBPS CWE PO MT-II cut off score is decided based on the average i.e. Average 1/4 standard deviation for General category candidates and Average 3/4 Standard deviation for reserved category.
Exam Pattern and Syllabus: The Common Written Examination for all the participating banks consists of Written Test which has five papers which has 50 questions each, which carries 250 makrs.
The syllabus for CWE PO MT 2012 exam is 1) Reasoning 2) English language 3) Quantitative aptitude 4) General Awareness 5) Computer knowledge. There will also be a descriptive paper on English Composition.
Please note that there will be negative marking for IBPS PO MT 2012 for which 0.25 marks will be deducted for wrong answers.
How to apply for IBPS CWE PO MT-II 2012
If you are eligible then you need to access IBPS Official Website to fill up online application for IBPS CWE PO MT 2012. Candidates can pay the fees either online or offline for which the application fees is50/- for SC/ST/PWD and450/- for all others.
To pay the fees offline: To pay offline the fees can be paid through CBS branches on any one of the following 6 public sector banks viz BOB, BOI, CBI, IOB, PNB and United bank of India. Properly fill the online application and hit submit button. Upon submitting you will get system generated registration id and password. Candidates needs to note this for future use. Then upon verification for details, hit submit where you can get fee payment challan and pay the fees on the above said banks after 2nd working day.
To pay fees online: To pay the fees, fill the online application and hit submit buttonand this will take you to the payment gateway and you need to make payments using Master / Visa Debit or credit card.
IBPS CWE PO / MT 2012 important dates
Common Written Exam 2012 important dates for IBPS bank recruitment has been given below for your immediate reference.
- Start date of IBPS CWE 2012 PO/ MT online registration is: 09.03.2012
- Last date of CWE PO/MT 2012 online application is: 30.03.2012
- IBPS CWE PO / MT 2012 exam date is: 17.06.2012
- online application fee dates for IBPS exam 2012 is: 09.03.2012 to 30.03.2012
- Offline application fee dates for IBPS CWE exam 2012 is:12.03.2012 to 07.04.2012
- IBPS CWE call letter 2012 for PO / MT jobs is: after 04.06.2012
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